What are you watching while you're MoFoin' it?


Melbourne Storm are leading souths 24-0 zip...lol! with 20 minutes to play.

At the moment I'm watching the Tennis & also Californication...irony or not? lol!

Watching The Sopranos

Wilfred, the U.S. version...the Aussie version has better, as we do comedy better..lol!

I started watching the American version of Wilfred and stopped watching after two episodes.
The Aussie version is alot better. I still watch the U.S. version.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Little Shop of Horrors. Incredible special effects (Which still hold up today) all done without any CGI, Rick Moranis is brilliant in this, and the songs are all very catchy.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


How annoying, I can see it just fine... Anyway I was watching Rope, I've seen it once before, just put it on to have something to glance at from time to time.

I'm starting to get into a habit with putting movies or tv shows on, that I've seen at least once before, and use it as background noise.

Now on is the first season of Peep Show.

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Sons Of Anarchy

I have never seen it before and I'm cracking up with laughter! I remember the Aussie media thought Palin was a idiot and I think she was!

Put it this way: Do you Americans really want another Republican in office? Not until Obama has tried to fix Bush's F ups!