Fantastic Four 2015 Reboot, why should we care?


See, I don't buy the "bad buzz" hurt FF, the average movie goer doesn't know or care about production troubles or even reviews. I think it comes down to two things, FF was never a huge franchise, not X-men or Avengers league and it looked generic and boring.

the average user might not care about reviews, hell not even I care about reviews. They're useless. no two people have the same taste.

but when something is below 10% on rotten tomatoes i think that gets some notice.

the average user might not care about reviews, hell not even I care about reviews. They're useless. no two people have the same taste.

but when something is below 10% on rotten tomatoes i think that gets some notice.
Yea, I think it contributed, but I'm talking about opening day into saturday. Word of mouth also played a role. I think this much is true, Fantastic Four is damaged goods now. It would take at least a decade to even hope for a successful film from this franchise. Bums me out, cause I like the comics, but then again sales for the comics were so low they cancelled it, so maybe that just shows FF's shelf life is finite.

Originally Posted by DrSpengler
the average movie goer doesn't care about reviews
I just repped your post for that part.

the average user might not care about reviews, hell not even I care about reviews. They're useless. no two people have the same taste...but when something is below 10% on rotten tomatoes i think that gets some notice.
Rotten Tomatoes is basically a meter of percentages of the results that reviews get. So if one doesn't care about reviews, whatever Rotten Tomatoes has to say shouldn't make any difference.

I think the advanced screening they had on Wednesday, two days before it opened officially, going viral with a whopping 0% made it worse.
It even trended on Facebook on Wednesday about how bad it is.

It got people Googling it, and realising how bad it is. But yeah, the fact that some have still gone to see it, and then reported that it's crap, has made those who waited, stay away from the cinema altogether.

$26m on opening weekend Fri-Sun. That's bad for a comic film, a marvel film, and for a film with a budget of $120m... hells it's even bad for a movie that's been panned.

It stands to reason the average movie goer doesn't care abput reviews, if they did the Transformer movies would be utter disasters.

I doubt Marvel is happy that it failed this bad, all it means is for them is possibly getting back a franchise damaged by a critical and commercial flop. They'd have to sit on it long enough for the stench to wear off. Look how long it took WB to even attempt Batman again after Batman and Robin. Ultimately this is just a waste.

That's the whole thing though, the Transformers films are actually kinda fun in a crap way.
Resident Evil too. But they still get an audience. Even I'm a bit of a guilty lover of Res Evil.

This Fant 4 Stick movie also had the stigma of its predecessor. The 2 from 10 years ago were gash, and people know that... then, refer to my post above ^ , this one went viral with its 0% rating during the 48 hours before people were able to see it for themselves.

This movie was doomed (pun intended) from the start, and Fox stupidly never made sure they had any talent behind it to make it a comeback movie for the Fantastic Four as a franchise.

A similar situation is Dredd. Stallone's Judge Dredd was awful and Dredd was a sort of rolleyes movie of "Oh here we go again"... then Dredd absolutely owned it... but the studios never marketed it properly and were showing it in 3D only... and it flopped... yet, it's a bosting movie, and though word of mouth has a high rating amongst everyone who saw it and eventually made its money back through DVD sales. If they'd marketed it properly, it could have stolen a few records.

This F4 is simply gash, and like with Dredd, word of mouth has played its part.

That's the whole thing though, the Transformers films are actually kinda fun in a crap way.
Resident Evil too. But they still get an audience. Even I'm a bit of a guilty lover of Res Evil.

This Fant 4 Stick movie also had the stigma of its predecessor. The 2 from 10 years ago were gash, and people know that... then, refer to my post above ^ , this one went viral with its 0% rating during the 48 hours before people were able to see it for themselves.

This movie was doomed (pun intended) from the start, and Fox stupidly never made sure they had any talent behind it to make it a comeback movie for the Fantastic Four as a franchise.

A similar situation is Dredd. Stallone's Judge Dredd was awful and Dredd was a sort of rolleyes movie of "Oh here we go again"... then Dredd absolutely owned it... but the studios never marketed it properly and were showing it in 3D only... and it flopped... yet, it's a bosting movie, and though word of mouth has a high rating amongst everyone who saw it and eventually made its money back through DVD sales. If they'd marketed it properly, it could have stolen a few records.

This F4 is simply gash, and like with Dredd, word of mouth has played its part.
I'm starting to wonder if FF just doesn't work very well as a successful film franchise. The original fims did decently, but were nowhere near X-men level and think the second one underperformed which is why they scrapped a third.

I doubt Marvel is in a rush to get FF back. They canceled the FF comic book because of poor sales, despite having some of their best writers take a shot at the title. FF just isn't as popular as they used to be. I just don't understand though why people get so anal about why they thought the film was so bad. It was an entertaining film. Meant to get you out of the house for an hour and a half and just enjoy yourself and just have fun. It succeeded.

I doubt Marvel is in a rush to get FF back. They canceled the FF comic book because of poor sales, despite having some of their best writers take a shot at the title. FF just isn't as popular as they used to be. I just don't understand though why people get so anal about why they thought the film was so bad. It was an entertaining film. Meant to get you out of the house for an hour and a half and just enjoy yourself and just have fun. It succeeded.
I think some people, like myself, who are fans of the material see so much potential in terms of stories and just see it squandered. I can get the whole "dumb fun," thing, Transformers I can occassionally sit down and turn my brain off to, then again, I have no investment in Transformers. It's sad to see the franchise become tainted like this. I could see Fox letting it go back, like Daredevil but like we both said, they wouldn't do much with it.

that new dredd was so bad I turned it off after the first 10 minutes. verrrrry very few films have gotten turned off that quickly by me.

transformers I think i made it about 40 minutes. around the time giant robots are sneaking around a little boys backyard.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
F4 works if they go cosmic. Batman f'ed eveything up, because it's one of the few comics that work dark and gritty.

FF is a very 60s title. They debuted in 1961 and haven't really expanded past that hand-on-hips everyone-should-work-together 1960s cheesiness that was prevalent in the original comics.

Personally, I wasn't a fan of Fan but I loved all the other comics out there, from Iron Man to Spidey to 2000AD to Superman to Batman.

F4 carries a huge problem of its past reputation and what doesn't help it, is that it doesn't translate well into modern day.
F4, as an entity, is very retro.
I think FF suffers in comic-book circles especially because of this... and let's face it, if a comic suffers in comic-fan circles, it ain't gonna do well amongst the general public.

In a way I kind of understand people's frustration if they don't like a film like FF. It's like if a MCU film all of a sudden turned for the worse and ruined the entire storyline completely, by fuc*ing up the characters and turning the plot into something majorly different. I'm just not a FF comic reader and the movie was just pure entertainment and something I enjoyed. I didn't look at it at a fanbase perspective.

The thing is though, besides Marvel studios no one else seems to want to embrace the out there and pun fully intended fantastic elements of the source material. If I were to do a a Fantastic Four movie I would go for a Ghostbusters meets Dr. Who kind of thing.