Top 5 Scariest Movies of All Time


John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness
The Exorcist (1973)
The Return of the Living Dead

They all my favorite movies.
Best Movies 2012

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Nightmare on Elm street
The Omen
Candy Man
Shutter Island ( Tho not a horror, still scary haha)

I'm assuming that these are the originals.

Ive never understood why people find the hannibal films scary, they are more like crime thrillers

Ive never seen an exorcism film that scared me

the shining is very scary indeed, but then stephen kings concepts are scary to think about

the descent is very scary, this film disturbs me quite a lot

The Descent
One of the best (and scariest) horror flicks I've ever seen. Creep-a-licious!
Yes! The cabin window scene gets me every time.

I am a huge 'horror' fan, so I really had to think hard about this one. I enjoy horror movies for what they are, so I can usually appreciate some horror movies that most people think are stupid or cheesy. To be honest, very few have actually 'scared' me though. Disturbed, grosses out, but rarely scared, BUT 3 movies from my childhood actually have scared me and every once in awhile when I'm watching them as an adult, I still get the same childlike experience from watching them and truly get scared.

1. The Exorcist
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
3. IT

Those movies have seriously made me fear walking down a dark hallway in my house by myself, looking into a mirror, taking a shower at the gym...etc. But those are the only ones that have ever had that effect on me. And they still have the ability to scare me if the mood/atmosphere is right.

Worth mentioning would be:

4. Jaws
5. Poltergeist

I have Jaws here because to me, things that can really happen are more scary than things that are impossible. Can any of you guys watch that movie and then take a dip in the ocean immediately afterwards without being afraid? ...Probably not.

+ repped for the first two. I know an entire generation is now terrified of clowns because of IT, I don't blame them for that, whilst both Jaws and Poltergeist are both excellent films.

BTW, I can easily go swimming straight after watching Jaws, but that's because I live in England. So the temperature of the water is a far greater problem.

From the above given list, The Exorcist Is The Best One.

Japan original of Grudge was the scariest. There was no film that could fear me after Ju-on

Movie Forums Extra
5 – The Blob
4 – The Exorcist
3 – Jaws
2 – Aliens (any of them)
1 – Night of the living Dead

I like any good horror movie, but my favorites have to be the ones with Zombies, nothing better than hordes of the living dead pursuing a group of tasty humans. And yes I would do a Zombie movie, something on the lines of a team of Special Forces facing off against millions of undead.

the rest were not horrors at all. Cameron's - simple action, Fincher's - old-fashioned thriller, aliens 4 - action again. Alien had much more stressful scenes, but not depressed like in alien3. Different accents

1.One Missed Call
2.The Silence of the Lamb
4.Saw Series
5.The Ring

You like your French horror then. But Sheitan scary?
Have you seen it ? What is scary to you? I'm really not scared of anything but I know that most people get freaked out by reality ( i.e. serial killers ). In Sheitan, Vincent Cassel is wonderfully creepy. Think about spending a few minutes alone in some small room with him. I'd bet anything that you would seriously reconsider the meaning of the word "scarry" .
On a lighter side, check him out in Mesrine: Instinct To Kill.

...I'm really not scared of anything...

Have a pop at Wolf Creek. More disturbing than scary, but I'd bet it'd live with you for a day or two.