MovieMan8877445's Top 100 Movies

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Alien? A Clockwork Orange? WALL-E? Signs?

Those are some of my top favorite movies! Nice!

Oh, can't forget to mention Schindler's List or Gremlins. Two of my faves as well.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
This is such an odd list.

At some points I think to myself - "He has some great flicks here"

Other times I'm wonder why they are all from the last 2 years.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

This is such an odd list.

At some points I think to myself - "He has some great flicks here"

Other times I'm wonder why they are all from the last 2 years.
I have a very wide taste of movies.

34. The Big Lebowski (The Coen Brothers, 1998)

This movie is just hilarious. Jeff Bridges is just awesome in this, his character, The Dude, is one of my all-time favorite movie characters. Most of his lines in this are just so memorable, like how he says 'man' after most of his lines. This is probably my second favorite Coen Brothers movie, right after No Country For Old Men. The music choices for this are also perfect, mainly 'What Condition My Condition Was In', I listen to that constantly on my iPod. Anyone who's a fan of epic comedies, really need to check this out because you won't be disappointed.

33. Road To Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002)

Now I really loved this movie, I liked the family take on gangster movies. I guess this could also be considered a revenge movie, I don't consider it a revenge movie though. Tom Hanks is just amazing in this, now this is my second favorite preformance from him, even though I still like this more than The Green Mile, I still think Hanks did better at acting in The Green Mile. Paul Newman was also incredible in this, this was actually the first Paul Newman movie that I've ever saw, actually now that I think about it, it's the only Paul Newman movie that I've ever seen, I'm a little sad to admit that. But this movie is just so amazing, I think everyone should check it out.

32. For A Few Dollars More (Sergio Leone, 1965)

My third favorite western of all-time, and my second favorite in the 'Man With No Name' series, right before The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. Clint Eastwood is great in this, like always, so any Clint Eastwood fan would definitely enjoy this. He does great in western movies as well, it seems to be the main kind of movie he does, but I can definitely see why, because he's just so great at it. So any fan of westerns or Clint Eastwood needs to see this.

31. Fight Club (David Fincher, 1999)

I love this movie, I persoanlly think that this is in my top 3 favorite endings of all-time, this first time you watch it is just so incredibly mind blowing. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton just are perfect together, and they're both incredible actors. I actually think that Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors from all my favorites that he is in. This is a movie that I don't think everyone would love though, because I think you have to do some thinking for it, and some people just don't think much during movie. But I'd still recommend everyone tries to watch it at least once because it's quite an experience.

30. The Matrix (The Wachowski Brothers, 1999)

This movie was just mind-blowing, not just the ending, but the whole movie was just mind blowing. It's probably my favorite sci-fi movie of all-time, and it's just filled with so much action too. Keanu Reeves was actually good in this, I thought, he's good for action movies though, so I really wasn't surprised. My favorite was Morpheus though, he was just such a cool character. And the scene where Neo and Trinity go to save Morpheus is probably gonna make it in my top 3 favorite action scenes, it was just that cool. I think most people can enjoy this movie, and everyone should try at least watching it once.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
30. The Matrix (The Wachowski Brothers, 1999)

This movie was just mind-blowing, not just the ending, but the whole movie was just mind blowing. It's probably my favorite sci-fi movie of all-time, and it's just filled with so much action too. Keanu Reeves was actually good in this, I thought, he's good for action movies though, so I really wasn't surprised. My favorite was Morpheus though, he was just such a cool character. And the scene where Neo and Trinity go to save Morpheus is probably gonna make it in my top 3 favorite action scenes, it was just that cool. I think most people can enjoy this movie, and everyone should try at least watching it once.
Lawrence Fishburne is such an under-rated badass.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

The Big Lebowski is great (Donnie is my fave). So is Fight Club.

I haven't seen The Matrix is so long. I think I should soon.

Pretty good stuff so far MovieMan, still waiting for that top ten though.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

29. Knocked Up (Judd Apatow, 2007)

I really loved this movie, even if it was much more of a drama than it was a comedy. This is Judd Apatow's best movie by far, mainly for the drama take on it, it was really a drama with comedy elements thrown in. Seth Rogen is in it, so that already means I'm gonna love it because as I said like twice so far, he's my favorite comedian. This was a great movie that I think most people could like, as long as they don't mind a lot of cussing.

28. Changeling (Clint Eastwood, 2008)

This was my third favorite movie of 2008, Clint Eastwood is just an amazing director, right now I'm trying to see them all. Angelina Jolie did just perfect in this, I'd be very surprised if she doesn't take home 'Best Actress' this year at the academy awards. John Malkovich is also really amazing in this, I persoanlly liked his acting and character in this better than Jolie's acting and character. This is a movie I'd strognly recommend people see because you won't be disappointed.

27. Jurassic Park (Steven Spielberg, 1993)

This movie is so nastolgic for me, I could watch this movie all day. I really mean it, this never gets old for me, this is the very first movie that I ever saw. I remember that when I was a kid, there were days that I'd watch this twice in one day. The effects were just so great, and they could definitely be considered ahead of their time because these effects are better than some of the effects we have today. Everyone needs to watch this movie at least once sometime, but be warned after you watch it once, it'll be hard not to watch it again.

26. Million Dollar Baby (Clint Eastwood, 2004)

I don't know what it is, I like automatically love anything Eastwood is in, and this is defintely not an exception. This movie is just as great as many of his movies, the ending is just so depressing though. The ending really adds to the story though, and I already knew what was going to happen, but I was still surprised when it actually happened. Morgan Freeman's narration in this was really amazing though, he does great for narrating movies. But seriously, go and watch this movie if you haven't yet.

25. Die Hard (John McTiernan, 1988)

This is the ultimate action movie IMO, this movie also marked the birth of a great action hero, John McClane. I also know that Bruce Willis seemed to get really popular just from this one movie, and I'm glad, because if he wasn't in this, then he probably wouldn't be in a lot of movies that he's in, and the movies would be different. This movie has everything any fan would love though, a great mix of story and action, it's not just a full on action movie with no plot, it's a mix of both and it works so great.

24. The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont, 1994)

This is just one of those movies that after you finish watching, you just feel really happy for some reason. This movie has it all, including a great friendship story, between Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman narrates this like he narrates Million Dollar Baby, and like in Million Dollar Baby, the narration for this is great. Tim Robbins has some of the best acting that I've ever seen in this. I think to be a movie buff, you have to see this movie sooner or later.

23. Unbreakable (M. Night Shyamalan, 2000)

My favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie by far, it may be because I love superhero movies so much. Bruce Willis is just an incredible actor, and him and Samuel L. Jackson just make a great team together. This movie also had one of the most beautiful scores that I've ever heard, the score is really just amazing, James Newton Howard is probably my favorite movie composer. I also loved how this was a superhero movie that was totally original and it's really not your typical superhero movie.

22. Se7en (David Fincher, 1995)

This is one of those movies you have to see to get what's so incredible about it. Especially the ending of it, I think this may have my all-time favorite movie ending of all-time. I couldn't even believe the ending even after I saw it, it took me a few minutes after watching to calm down enough to talk about it. Brad Pitt is just amazing, he's just in too many of my favorite movies, he's just an incredible actor. Morgan Freeman is incredible too, I think he has to be one of my all-time favorite actors as well, because he's in a lot of my favorites as well.

21. 12 Angry Men (Sidney Lumet, 1957)

This is just an incredible movie, the acting in it alone is way ahead of it's time. Henry Fonda is just an amazing actor in this, I think Lee J. Cobb just overshadows him though, mainly just because his character just has so much more emotion than Fonda's character. It's amazing that the story was even filled, I mean it's amazing that so much can happen just taking place in one room. I think everyone needs to watch this movie just to see the acting, and get what I mean by it's acting way ahead of it's time.

Nice, those are all great movie (some more than others though).

That picture of The Shawshank Redemption makes me... woo! I don't care what anyone says, that movie is brilliant.

Welcome to the human race...
I die a little inside every time I hear someone say they like Knocked Up.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I die a little inside every time I hear someone say they like Knocked Up.
I love Knocked Up. I saw it about 10 times in theaters.


I die a little inside every time I hear someone say they like Knocked Up.
So I guess you don't like it?

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
25. Die Hard (John McTiernan, 1988)

This is the ultimate action movie IMO, this movie also marked the birth of a great action hero, John McClane. I also know that Bruce Willis seemed to get really popular just from this one movie, and I'm glad, because if he wasn't in this, then he probably wouldn't be in a lot of movies that he's in, and the movies would be different. This movie has everything any fan would love though, a great mix of story and action, it's not just a full on action movie with no plot, it's a mix of both and it works so great.
Totally badass

20. Dawn Of The Dead (Zack Snyder, 2004)

I don't know, maybe it's just me but I really love this movie. This was one of the first zombie movies that I ever saw, and I automatically loved it, it's what made me love zombie movies so much. Zack Snyder is such a great and underrated director, because I've seen him get quite a bit of crap. I actually have a lot of hope for Watchmen because he's directing it.

19. Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)

This was the first Hitchcock movie that I ever saw, and instantly loved it. This is like the perfect horror movie IMO, it just creeps me out so much. Especially the last shot of Norman Bates in the jail cell, that face he gives you is just so freaking creepy, it sends shivers down your spine. Anthony Perkins is just amazing in this, he does the perfect job playing a psycho, because at times I really believed that he was actually a psycho. This a movie strongly recommend for horror movie fans.

18. V For Vendetta (James McTeigue, 2005)

I just really love this movie, it's just so outstanding. Hugo Weaving was perfect in the role of V, the movie itself is very political. The scene underground with V and all the police was just awesome though, it really showed you how amazing the action for V For Vendetta are. The visuals are also very amazing in this, some of them reminded me of The Matrix, but it's from the same creators as The Matrix so I'm not surprised. There's also a bunch of great lines in this that are very memorable, I'd recommend it.

17. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Milos Forman, 1975)

Jack Nicholsen is just amazing in this, this is easily his best preformance. He did a great job playing a crazy person, and it's a movie a lot could enjoy. I know some people could find ir boring though, I don't see why though, because I've seen some boring movies and this definitely isn't even close to being one of them. I think if you haven't had a chance to see this yet, you should sometime soon because you won't be disappointed.

16. Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)

Now I love westerns movies, and this is definitely one of them. Even though Eastwood isn't as young in this one as he is in his other ones, he's still great in this one. I think him directing it helped a lot too, this one focused more on drama than most of Eastwood's other westerns, but I loved that it did, because it added more to the story. And the ending was just awesome, great to see Eastwood back to his usual self.

15. The Godfather (Francis Ford Cappola, 1972)

Now while I didn't quite love this one as much I loved Part II, this was still an amazing movie overall. It was really epic, and it's super long runtime didn't even bother me at all, I was very happy with that. I was surprised at how so much could happen in one movie though, it definitely needed it's long runtime because it was just so filled with stuff. James Caan's character, Sonny, was my favorite character in this, I just loved that his character took charge all the time, but I hated his fate, I was upset when it happened. But this movie is still perfect, you have to watch this movie to become a movie buff IMO.

14. The Godfather: Part II (Francis Ford Cappola, 1974)

Now I just barely liked this one more than the first, it was just more epic and more greater stuff in it. Now that also may be because this one is like 30 minutes longer than the first, I was actually very plesently surprised that I had no problem with the length, because it's 3 and a half hours long. Robert De Niro as the young Vito Corleone in this was my favorite character of the entire series, it was just done so perfectly, I just wish that he could've got some more screentime in it. But much like for the first, any movie buff must see this movie before they consider themself a movie buff, because this movie is just perfect.

13. Gran Torino (Clint Eastwood, 2008)

Now this is my second favorite movie from 2008. It was great to see another movie directed by Clint Eastwood, I'm a huge Eastwood fan and this movie was just perfect. I loved every minute, and I also loved that it didn't have your typical Eastwood ending, I definitely didn't see it coming. This movie is incredible right from the very start of it, I recommend this to everyone to see before it leaves theaters, because I'm sure that you won't be disappointed when you walk out of the theater.

12. Gone Baby Gone (Ben Affleck, 2007)

This movie is just incredible, and the ending is just amazing. Casey Affleck really surprised me with how amazing he did in this, I was so happy to see him do such a great job. Ed Harris, who is another one of my favorite actors, was also just as amazing in this, I was so happy to see that. I still haven't seen that many Ed Harris movies though, so I need to get seeing some more of his movies. Morgan Freeman was great for the parts that he was in, he really wasn't in as much of the movie as I had hoped though. If you haven't seen this yet, you definitely need to get to seeing this because you won't be disappointed.

11. The Thing (John Carpenter, 1982)

I actually just saw this for the first time yesterday, and I think with another watch or two that it's gonna make it onto my top 10, but for now it's gonna stay at spot 11. This has to be my all time favorite horror movie, I'm still blown away by it and it's been a whole day since I've last watched it. The effects were very ahead of it's time, and any fan of the horror genre really needs to see it, because to me it's the perfect horror movie, and it's probably the most scariest to me.

There are some amazing movie there, MM! You're making me even more excited for The Thing.

Swan, you've actually met or chatted with someone who didn't like Shawshank? Wow, I'm amazed, maybe they did a stretch somewhere and the rape scene brings back horrific memories.

Anyway, looking like we're right at the end MovieMan, looking forward to it.