Movie You're Watching Tonight


One of my all-time favorite movies. Seen it a million times.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Mike Cahill - Another Earth

Seeing this for the first time. I loved the show "The OA", staring Brit Marling, she's an awesome actress and writer, she co-wrote and starred in this movie (among a few others)

Still kicking and it hurts.

Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America by Craig Baldwin

My favorite Baldwin film! Super ****en glorious!
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

By the way... @DrJacoby I once sent Craig Baldwin a fan email about his work. I'm really influenced by him and told him so. He got back to me almost immediately and asked if he could gift me a film from his catalog, (Other Cinema), I told him I owned all of them except one... The Net... so he mailed that one to me and when I got it it came with an Other Cinema sticker in the DVD box and his signature... way cool!

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
By the way... @DrJacoby I once sent Craig Baldwin a fan email about his work. I'm really influenced by him and told him so. He got back to me almost immediately and asked if he could gift me a film from his catalog, (Other Cinema), I told him I owned all of them except one... The Net... so he mailed that one to me and when I got it it came with an Other Cinema sticker in the DVD box and his signature... way cool!
Woah that's really cool, he's a unique filmmaker, very inventive and very humorous. I've still got a few of his films to watch in the coming months. Hist style vaguely reminds me of another underground filmmaker I love, Ken Jacobs, though they stylistically differ but love collecting footage and assembling it into really compelling works of art and entertainment.

(I'm really looking forward to seeing Mock Up on Mu, as I'm a lapsed-Thelemite, so that will be a really fun watch )

Also great username I'm a big fan of Brakhage (that film/s is #4 on my profile list )

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Right now I'm watching Sound Of My Voice, also starring Brit Marling.
As with most stuff I watch, I haven't seen the trailer so I have no idea what I'm in for, but I've heard that it's quite a thrill ride.