Movie You're Watching Tonight


Loki, tis a shame when I was unable to watch it earlier. Planning to marathon this.

Loki, tis a shame when I was unable to watch it earlier. Planning to marathon this.
but still u have time to watch it cause excited for the season 2 of Loki next year. make sure to watch wandavision,the falcon and the winter soldier also and in november 24th im excited for hawkeye but havent watched what if...? yet but anyways make sure to watch the other marvel movies before eternals and spider-man: no way home releasing this year

Something, at least, is 18+. Thank god for that.
Stylistically it had promise, and Anya Taylor-Joy is a joy to watch, heh, but it’s like it couldn’t decide if it’s Me Too or a devious-whore type film. Quite a few corny/cringeworthy moments as well. The sort of thing one might call “self-serious”. Nah. For all the hard work, it doesn’t succeed at being giallo.

wanabe movie critique

wanabe movie critique
This looks interesting.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
I just love this movie, which I've seen probably 20 times. Never get tired of it. What makes it work is the relationship between Ripley and Newt: a mother who has lost a daughter, a daughter who has lost a mother, and they find each other. It also has two climaxes, with the second one being a huge surprise the first time I watched it.

Boldly going.

The Night House
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
The Fog (1980)
Hocus Pocus

Happy Halloween

Never heard of this movie sounds right up my alley
.........very 80ish w/ carpenter esque music

Well that was some crazy stuff. Honestly just read the plot before watching no reviews,
was entertaining but it was nutty resembled a 80s action/sci fi, was shot like a higher paid movie though.