Which movie do you wish you could see again for the first time?


Is white trash beautiful
I think I am going to have to go with The Wizard of Oz (1939) Victor Fleming

Saw.. or 500 days of summer. haha. There are many movies I would pick for my answer.. but I guess it depends on my mood.

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The Dark Night.

The notebook, one of my favorite romantic movie .The story of the movie is about A poor and passionate young man falls in love with a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They soon are separated by their social differences.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I'd have to say Fellowship of the Ring.

That was the first film that really stunned me. After seeing it, that night while lying in bed I stayed awake for ages just going over the film in my mind again and again. It just left me with a sense of wonder. Before that my dream job was to be a footballer but after seeing that it was to be a director, to try and create that sense of wonder for other people

I was considering saying Planet of the Apes just to be stunned by the ending as I was first time around. However that ending still has great power for me even though I know it's coming. It's still a wonderful wow moment.

transformers..the first one. the first timei saw bonecrusher, on fire, and on skates, and plows though a bus...

and the first time barricade transforms, and the camera is right next to him, and he looks huge, its the first time we see a transformer up close and personal....

but if i just see it again for the first time i would miss frenzy giving the finger to the feds when he got into barricade...
Im tired of being caught in the tangle of these peoples lives.....

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind - the spaceship, music and final scenes really awesome. Have to say The Elephant Man amazed me at first viewing as well.
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hmm...I'd have to say Social Network because I put off watching it for so long because I was afraid I wasn't going to like it as much as everyone else, but when I finally saw it, I loved it. Plus I love Fincher.

I'd also agree with the movies with twist endings- especially ones like Inception (not 100% twist ending but you get the idea) and Shutter Island and Sixth Sense where I didn't know the ending before I saw the film.

I would have love to have seen The Usual Suspects again, without knowing the ending- but that didn't happen :/

The Breakfast Club: I just loved all the characters in that film and especially how they all ended up in the end of it.

titanic, godfather, shawshank redemtion,

Probably The Usual Suspects seeing as its my favourite film, although i knew the twist before i saw it.

Also The Dark Knight, blew me away the first time i saw it at the cinema, i then proceeded to get it on blu-ray and watch it a further 5 times :P
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In terms of movies where I said "wow" right after the first watch, I'd agree with Dark Knight and I'd throw in Gone Baby Gone, Shawshank Redemption as well as Psycho and Independence Day.

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Life is one big movie.
Probably Scream, it was a shock to everyone. Especially the opening scene.

Definitely Batman Returns, that's the one of great film i've ever seen ..

Probably Scream, it was a shock to everyone. Especially the opening scene.
Agreed, i like the setting of the movie, especially when he try to play some game ..