Asian movie


Registered User

I'm looking for an asian movie. It's about a guy who lives with his girl at the foot of a mountain or something. In his dreams he has to fight this old grandpa and loses everytime, but gets stronger after each fight. Grandpa has a long white beard and all.
One day he is strong enough to defeat grandpa and the movies continues.


Registered User
I'm not sure if its in his dreams, but he has to fight the old dude over and over, that about all i can remember, its not a old movie i think.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
True Legend (2010) maybe?

It kinda reminds me of True Legend but their is way more to the movie than just having to fight and train with the old man, and in true legend a younger guy with white hair but still sounds similar.


Registered User
hahaha you are a genious! This is the one, I coudn't remember anything, but you did it pal!