I am looking for a film about a runner from a land of snow.


I've been looking for this movie for quite some time. It's a film I've seen a few years ago and only things that I remember are, that it was a story about a guy from a land of snow or wind or something, and these people could run fast, but for some reason all of them were killed, except for this fellow. He met a man in a black cape, who could run so fast, that he could see the past, but there was a barrier, so he couldn't change the past. The man in black cape told the guy from land of snow, that he could run this fast if he found a desire, but he didn't know what it is. From what I can tell it's an asian movie probably from 2000's.

I'm not an english speaker, so I hope it's understandable. Please help me, I'm desperate.

No, I'm afraid it isn't. It was something more fantasy-like. They could fly as they ran, and there was also a fight with Japanese weapons like katana or bladed fan.

Well, I finally found it, when I searched for Japanese movies(I don't know why, because the film is Chinese). The film is Wu Ji (The Promise). Thanks for helping me to find it.

Huh, it sounds like an interesting movie.Asian movies have become some of the top-quality movies in the world, and not just horror movies; ghost stories, epics of history, animation (Miyasaki) anime, serious drama, some comedy.Especially old ghost stories from the past, fairy tales. I had library books of "Japanese fairy tales " and one of "Chinese Fairy tales."Fascinating. I think there was a website devoted just to Asian horror movies at one point.

Funny, yer more likely to find English subs. on ASIAN MOVIES than on FRENCH movies!!The French drive me crazy, so often I can't get Engl. subs on their movies! But ASIA accepts English very matter-of-fact, more than Europe, maybe because most of Asia tries to be MODERN, and has commerce with all the west.(Who could be considered more "civillized", hah hah?) At this point, on a general scale, you could argue that much of Asia was more civilized than White-peoples' countries, so far back, that that could be WHY Asian countries have finally hopped so far forward now. Their art was always advanced. (San Francisco Legion of Honor Art Museum, in San Francisco, CA, has Asian Collections.Great!)

(To tell the truth, getting off the subject of film, & movies, Europe mystifies me, the way they've gone.Socialism; weird money management; importing tons of immigrants to do all their low-class work. Almost trying to live in the past? Or trying to be so "socially advanced" they DISMISS capitalism? Trying to make Worker's Utopia?Maybe I need a good text book, or tomb on "Modern Europe", if any one can give me some titles I'd be appreciative cause U.S. high schools don't teach modern Europe, and I was never a history,or sociology major. I feel stupid when I talk to anyone from Europe online.I bet THEY know more about US.Let me know you can pm me,if you have book titles to suggest.THANKS! )
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