What is this movie?


Registered User
i can only remember on scene. there is someone injured and they are going to die. one of the characters heals them by passing his energy to the injured person by going back and forth between their foreheads and it creates a sort of physical bond between them.
I know that this isn't a lot to go on but any help is appreciated because this is driving me nuts.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
That sounds a lot like an episode of Star Trek: TNG 'Transfigurations'. It could also be Cocoon.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Registered User
i don't watch star trek and iv'e never seen cocoon so it isn't either of them.

It sounds a bit like the end of The Hidden, but the energy transfer is oral in that one.

I'm also thinking John Carpenter's Starman when he heals Jenny (not the deer), but it's a couple of years since I saw it last, and my DVD copy is packed away. Seem to remember something about glowing spheres he uses so maybe that's not it either.

Trouble with this one is it's so hackneyed there are dozens of films with a similar plot device.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Is it Powder (1995) ?
"A flying saucer? You mean the kind from up there?"
"Yeah, either that or its counterpart"

Their assumption was that Jerry was already dead when I arrived, and I just nodded my head. What else could I tell them? "He had to do it, Officer, or else he would’ve turned into a worm-monster and been very unhappy."