Movies That Made You Cry!!!


Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
k not gonna spoil this but you must watch A Walk To Remember if you like sad movies, i cried and absolute river when i first saw it. City of Angels has the same effect. And to add a new one, Beaches.

There are those who call me...Tim.
I never cry but I do get a lump in my throat sometimes.
Black Beauty: When Ginger dies.
Dragonheart: When Draco dies
Titanic: When the old people are lying next to each other as the water rushes in during the sinking. Only moment in the whole film that made me care
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

I neva cry but i get the same lump. In harold and kumar when neil patrick harrris steals the car

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The ending of Armageddon especially when that Aerosmith song played. And Bambi and The Lion King.

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
OMG armageddon had me in floods of tears is was so beautiful, speshly with aerosmith's song. Bambi just broke my heart, I'm just the same when i was a little girl every little thing thats sad makes me cry

Lost In Translation

I hardly ever cry at movies, but that doesn't mean that I've never seen some tear jerkers in my day:

Lost In Translation - God I almost lost it at the end. It's a happy kind of sadness, knowing that Bob and Charlotte will never see each other again, but at least their friendship is built to last at least in they're memories.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 - I know, I know, I'm biased because I'm a ginormous Quentin fan. But Jesus, it's so happy at the end how can you not get a lump in your throat? She's reunited with her daughter, and when she kills Bill, she realizes that he loved her more then anything.....Real sad.

Schindler's List - No duh. One of the saddest movies ever. When they rolled that little girl in the red jacket by Schindler......damn that was horrible......
Stellar Music......By Stellar:
Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
The Sleepy Jackson - Lovers
Jeff Buckley - Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk
At The Drive-In - Acrobatic Tenemant
Air - Moon Safari

"I'm the man,"
~ David Carradine, Kill Bill Vol. 2

Schindler's List - No duh. One of the saddest movies ever. When they rolled that little girl in the red jacket by Schindler......damn that was horrible......
I agree.
something witty goes here......

I swear to God I've only ever cried in "Earnest Goes To Camp". It was the scene, and if you've seen the film you know it well, when the kids at camp are mean to Earnest and he goes to his cabin and cries and sings a song about "I'm so glad it's raining..." Damn near killed me. I still won't see that movie because of that scene.

Moulin Rouge
Schindler's List
The Shawshank Redemption
Any Romeo and Juliet adaptation
The Last Samurai

God, loads I'm such a soft touch. I'll cry at anything, especially with animals ( i cried at Secondhand Lions )

the champ,when the dad dies and in my girl,where mcauley culkin gets killed by the wasps.....embarressing

R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell Abbott 66-04
When Bill died in Kill Bill....that made me cry.

Schindler's List
The Grey Zone
Pearl Harbour
The Pianist

I think that is The Green Mile. I can't remember any other at the moment.

top 2 that always get me: Titanic and The Iron Giant, me and my dad used to sob together when I was a kid for that one.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Dust of Time
Pora umierać
Ballad of a Soldier
The Road
Hachiko: A Dog's Story
almost cried on Werckmeister Harmonies

My sisters keeper and Marley and me
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Edward Scissorhands . . . . . . . nearly.