🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes! I do remember feeling somewhat terrible at that resolution - if I were in the crew my conscience would never rest knowing my only solution was to condemn a man to an eternal nightmare. And the clincher was, at the end, the Enterprise just flies off like "oh well... let's move on."

Some other episodes had solemn or maybe even questionable resolutions, but usually the Enterprise didn't leave without some glimmer of hope for those still planet-side, but not this episode.
Another episode with dire results for the people on the planet is The Mark of Gideon with the over crowded planet of people who can't die.

Spoiler*....at the end the Enterprise flys off with an infected Odonna who will spread her disease to the planet killing, off millions. But what the hell the planet was really overcrowded anyway! That one kind of spooked me out as a kid.

I'd like to talk about Star Trek Continues (a fan made series available on YouTube).

I wasn't a fan of these amateur Star Trek videos, as there were a few, but I started watching this one.

I have my criticisms which I may get into later, and some of the episodes were hit or miss (the good ones were really good!) - but the most important thing is the series (11 episodes) was a treasure trove for Trek fans as so much of it tied back into Trek history, continuity and trivia (parts even tied into "future" movies and TNG!)

The sets, costumes and music were nearly perfect recreations which adds greatly to putting the viewer back into TOS.

The acting was iffy sometimes, but then these weren't the caliber of actors from TOS (I had a problem with some of the actors in Continues initially, but then they grew on me).

The attention to detail regarding Trek lore is pretty amazing - it's apparent the people who made it really loved TOS!

The series takes place during and after TOS (for instance, one episode is a sequel to Mirror Mirror and follows the story of the evil Kirk's conflicts with bearded Spock just after he returns to his own universe - as the prime universe's Kirk left bearded, mirror Spock much to consider!)

In one episode Kirk encounters various women he loved from TOS (all who died, that he felt responsible for) including Edith Keeler (from the 1930's), Rayna (the android), Miramanee (the American Indian) and one woman we never saw in TOS that was a love of his on a former ship.
WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
In the culmination, these visions are being caused by the unborn child conceived by Kirk and Miramanee from The Paradise Syndrome! So apparently "David" (from Wrath of Khan / Search for Spock) wasn't the only child Kirk had conceived

The nice thing is the series concludes just before STTMP - with a double-episode finale that includes the lady Romulan commander who is a dead-ringer for the original from TOS.
An alleged plot hole from TMP was that the Enterprise was the only ship in the fleet that could intercept V-ger that was light-years away (where were all Starfleet's ships?). This finale actually answers that question in the story.
And a special treat is the last episode ends with Kirk showing up in his Admiral's uniform that he wore in TMP.

Lots of guest stars & cameos too: the role of Mr. Scott is played by James Doohan's real-life son. The guy who played Apollo reprises his role. Lou Ferrigno (Hulk) shows up (and appears green at that!) along with Erin Gray (from Buck Rogers), John de Lancie (Q) and various Trek alumni provide voices for the ship's computer!


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
What are your favorite Star Trek Characters?

My top 10 favorite Star Trek babes -

1. Susan Oliver as Vina

The Cage

2. Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Janice Rand

Charlie X

3. Sherry Jackson as Andrea

What Little Girls are Made Of

4. Marianna Hill as Lt. Helen Noel

The Dagger of the Mind

5. Celeste Yarnall as Yeoman Martha Landon

The Apple

6. Angelique Pettyjohn as Shahna

The Gamesters of Triskelion

7. Barbara Bouchet as Kelinda

By Any Other Name

8. Marj Dusay as Kara

Spock's Brain

9. Joanne Linville as the Romulan Commander

The Enterprise Incident

10. Mary Linda Rapelye as Irina Galliulin

The Way To Eden

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Alternative Factor isn't a fav of mine either because of one flaw...

Spoiler coming up* Kirk decides to save both the anti matter and matter universes by sealing both Lazarus in this spacial tube that connects the two universes...Both men will be trapped there fighting each other for eternity! Talk about a scary version of hell! Why not just kill the insane Lazarus thus safeguarding both universes?
I hated this episode, not because of the ending but because I found it boring. I agree they should have come up with a better solution. If it were me I would've chosen suicide.

The actor who was originally slated to play Lazarus did not show up on filming day and they found this guy at the last minute. Desilu Studios successfully sued the original actor for breach of contract.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is a piece of trivia I only learned a few years back... James Doohan had (I'm not sure it it was one or more) fingers missing on one hand.
During filming of the show & movies they made a point to not film or obscure his deformed hand. I don't remember if this was a birth defect or if he'd lost his fingers in some accident (maybe someone else knows).

James Doohan lost his right middle finger in WWII. He was shot several times, including his finger, his leg, and his chest, but the bullet to his chest hit a silver cigarette case that he had in his pocket. The cigarette case was given to him by his brother as a good luck charm.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Those are all good ones! Glad to see some love for The Doomsday Machine, that's one of my favorites. The doomsday machine looked very impressive for the small budget the show had. It was a very dramatic episode and the guest star William Windom as Commodore Decker gave one helluva powerful performance.

Did you know that Will Decker in Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the son of Matt Decker from the episode "The Doomsday Machine"?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'd like to talk about Star Trek Continues (a fan made series available on YouTube).

I wasn't a fan of these amateur Star Trek videos, as there were a few, but I started watching this one.

I have my criticisms which I may get into later, and some of the episodes were hit or miss (the good ones were really good!) - but the most important thing is the series (11 episodes) was a treasure trove for Trek fans as so much of it tied back into Trek history, continuity and trivia (parts even tied into "future" movies and TNG!)

The sets, costumes and music were nearly perfect recreations which adds greatly to putting the viewer back into TOS.

The acting was iffy sometimes, but then these weren't the caliber of actors from TOS (I had a problem with some of the actors in Continues initially, but then they grew on me).

The attention to detail regarding Trek lore is pretty amazing - it's apparent the people who made it really loved TOS!

The series takes place during and after TOS (for instance, one episode is a sequel to Mirror Mirror and follows the story of the evil Kirk's conflicts with bearded Spock just after he returns to his own universe - as the prime universe's Kirk left bearded, mirror Spock much to consider!)

In one episode Kirk encounters various women he loved from TOS (all who died, that he felt responsible for) including Edith Keeler (from the 1930's), Rayna (the android), Miramanee (the American Indian) and one woman we never saw in TOS that was a love of his on a former ship.
WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
In the culmination, these visions are being caused by the unborn child conceived by Kirk and Miramanee from The Paradise Syndrome! So apparently "David" (from Wrath of Khan / Search for Spock) wasn't the only child Kirk had conceived

The nice thing is the series concludes just before STTMP - with a double-episode finale that includes the lady Romulan commander who is a dead-ringer for the original from TOS.
An alleged plot hole from TMP was that the Enterprise was the only ship in the fleet that could intercept V-ger that was light-years away (where were all Starfleet's ships?). This finale actually answers that question in the story.
And a special treat is the last episode ends with Kirk showing up in his Admiral's uniform that he wore in TMP.

Lots of guest stars & cameos too: the role of Mr. Scott is played by James Doohan's real-life son. The guy who played Apollo reprises his role. Lou Ferrigno (Hulk) shows up (and appears green at that!) along with Erin Gray (from Buck Rogers), John de Lancie (Q) and various Trek alumni provide voices for the ship's computer!


You've mentioned Star Trek Continues before, and it sounds great, but I still haven't found the time to watch it. Maybe now that I'm done watching movies for the horror countdown, I might be able to find some time to check it out.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't know if I can narrow it down to my top 5 favorite episodes, but these are some of my favorites:

Already mentioned:
"Mirror, Mirror"
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
"Tomorrow Is Yesterday"
"Shore Leave"
"This Side of Paradise"
"The Trouble with Tribbles"

Not mentioned yet:
"Amok Time"
"I, Mudd"
"Requiem for Methuselah"
"A Piece of the Action"
"Court Martial"
"Journey to Babel"
"Assignment: Earth"
"The Squire of Gothos"

Trouble with a capital "T"
How about a trivia question?

In what episode did Dr. McCoy "finally get the last word"?
I remember both Spock and Kirk are in sick bay and McCoy shushes them...which was a fun ST moment. Then MCoy "I finally got the last word" or close to that. That is Journey to Babel.

How about a trivia question?

In what episode did Dr. McCoy "finally get the last word"?
You must be reading my mind @gbgoodies as this is probably my second favorite episode (after the tribbles) This funny event happens after the Captain AND Spock AND Spock s father) are all recovering in sick bay. They are all nattering away and trying to go back to their duties when our good doctor 'Bones ' tells them to stay in bed and get some rest, and starts shushing them -that 's when he ends the ep - with that line and a big grin. The irony is that neither Bones NOR DeForest usually had the last word in any ep, so it was a double pleasure - for the doctor and the actor. Make that a triple pleasure- for fans of the doc, like me

My post almost collided with CR- well I hoped I 'd be first to answer the trivia question, but I guess this lenslady finally got the last word here too

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
This is a piece of trivia I only learned a few years back... James Doohan had (I'm not sure it it was one or more) fingers missing on one hand.
During filming of the show & movies they made a point to not film or obscure his deformed hand. I don't remember if this was a birth defect or if he'd lost his fingers in some accident (maybe someone else knows).
For this reason, James Doohan is always seen carrying a prop in his hand. A clipboard to hide the missing finger. Sometimes he is seen just walking around making a fist.

Did you know that Will Decker in Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the son of Matt Decker from the episode "The Doomsday Machine"?
I didn't – I thought Stephen Collins was really good too.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I must be the only person that never saw Star Trek or Star Wars.
What planet are you from? Just kidding. Not everyone is into it I suppose. Just as some people hate Star Trek, I hate Adam Sandler.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Did you know that Will Decker in Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the son of Matt Decker from the episode "The Doomsday Machine"?
I had read that some place.

They say there's no devil, Jim; but, I saw it. Right out of hell with a mull that can swallow a dozen starships.

I'll give you my Top 5 favourite Season 1 episodes:

The Galileo Seven
A Taste of Armageddon
The Man Trap
The Devil in the Dark
The Corbomite Maneuver

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Roddenberry...He loved women.
And had a fling with Nichelle Nichols too.

I'd like to talk about Star Trek Continues (a fan made series available on YouTube).

I wasn't a fan of these amateur Star Trek videos, as there were a few, but I started watching this one.

I have my criticisms which I may get into later, and some of the episodes were hit or miss (the good ones were really good!) - but the most important thing is the series (11 episodes) was a treasure trove for Trek fans as so much of it tied back into Trek history, continuity and trivia (parts even tied into "future" movies and TNG!)

The sets, costumes and music were nearly perfect recreations which adds greatly to putting the viewer back into TOS.

Sold! I haven't heard you mention that before, even though GBG has. I've heard you mention The Orville, but not Star Trek Continues, I'll have to watch it.