Homages and Auteurs


there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Purandara88
And that has **** all to do with 'personality' gay or otherwise how?
So what were you saying? They were physically weak?

If not, you were casting an aspersion on either their moral or intellectual tendencies which seems impossible to validate.

In what way would you like the gay community to be stronger and more forceful then?

Bull****. Holding a strong opinion is not the same as the intensely personal attacks which I have received merely for disagreeing with the opinion of the herd.
Listen geez, i actually welcome your desire to kick against the norm. Every forum, and society, needs it. But what you actually do is cast yourself as the one sole visionary amongst a bunch of dunces. You're bound to get more than a few kicks from the 'herd' if that's your approach.

Merely stop talking in 'I'm right, everyone else is a blind imbecile' terms, and you'll find the personal attacks will tail off into managable proportions

And we could actually discuss ****. A bit of give and take is all it takes. It doesn't mean you have to agree with others' opinions overall. It just means you have to recognise that yours are unlikely to be 100% right - which has been your approach so far.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Originally Posted by Purandara88
Bull****. Holding a forceful opinion is not equivalent to the personal attacks I have received for holding those opinions.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
I've only seen one P.T. Anderson film as of now (Magnolia) and he does something that few directors do, though it can be found in Scorsese films (Raging Bull for one). That is, he relies heavily on dynamics to build tension within the story. Conversations between characters start off as fairly innocent exchanges, but you quickly start to feel the hostility creeping in around the edges. Then it rises rapidly from there until it becomes a barrage of volatile attacks. He has a way of telling his story almost entirely through a long series of in-depth conversations that is usually saved for the novel as opposed to film (such as in Salinger's: Franny and Zooey. Keep in mind how difficult it must be for an actor to "change gears" in this way, and what it says about him as a director to be able to pull that out of them. The other thing about Anderson, is that while he may lack something definitive to say, there seems to be a method to his madness. All of the most emotional and or poignant scenes in the film seem to be improvised. Therefore he avoids the pitfalls of directors like Spielberg and Howard. He achieves sentimentality without schmaltziness. The monologues aren't calculated or hackeneyed, but rather as raw and messy as they'd be in real life. Sure the film may at times seem over the top, but I think one of its major themes (in Magnolia) is that what appears over the top is often true to life.

by the way: Purandara...beside the fact that your "Dead Jew on a Stick" comment is blatantly offensive for no good reason, it is self defeating. You say that you don't attack those who are civil toward you. Therefore, by referencing Jesus' "turn the other cheek" policy comment, you are admitting that he has not and never would do anything to you and yet you are intentionally disrespecting him just to ruffle the feathers of anyone reading who might happen to be a Christian. Note that despite the tremendous offense I took upon reading that statement, I managed to be civil, and I expect you to do the same, should you decide to respond in an attempt to explain this comment, which might be a good idea, as it makes you look inconsistent and coupled with other things you've said makes it hard for us to think of you as anything other than a biggot. now, you may think that calling someone a biggot is an attack, but I don't see how it is if their behavior supports the claim and leaves one with no other possible conclusion.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Originally Posted by Purandara88

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton