Scifi-ish movie from 2000?


I've been looking for this movie for ages and can only remember one scene. it was a movie that played in 2000's that featured a guy who had bleach blond spiked hair that was on a swing in a club talking to a girl, i remember the green light that was in the back some reason i cannot remember it all, i believe it played on the upn, wb or sci fi channel. i am looking for the movie or if someone can point me to the actor, he had the same bleach blonde as Spike from buffy but his hair was semi long and had spikes. For some reason i cant get this movie out of my head never got to see all of it.

after hours of searching still no luck does anyone have a suggestion

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Ryan Phillippe had some crazy bleached spikes in Homegrown (1998) but I have never seen the movie so I have no clue if their is a scene like that.

Their is a movie called Rory O'Shea Was Here (2004) (aka Inside I'm Dancing) where a guy in a wheelchair has some crazy bleached spikes but I've never seen that either so I can't say anything certain about any scene.

Thanks for the response I tried the first one but no luck the second one however might be it, gonna have to find it first if it isnt the right one still looked like a good movie just from watching the trailer.

ive been racking my mind about this movie lol I was watching it and i had to turn it off and i never got to finish it I do remember a little more the movie played on the UPN network from 2000-2004 most likely. I think it was about troubled youth but back in that time UPN mainly played scifi. If someone could help me find the movie or a list of movies that was shown on the network id be very thankful

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
that sounds like maybe possible Idle Hands??
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

ive seen that one before and it wasn't it i don't think i'll ever find it lol

Sounds a bit like Keifer Sutherland in "The Lost Boys" reminds me of the scene where the character Michael drinks the blood from the bottle. Look it up on youtube and see if that's it.