Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Either it's a slow day or I've really hit a nerve with this Boogie Nights thing.

IDK, I liked Boogie Nights enough, but to be honest I am just not into PT Anderson. I much prefer Wes Anderson.
Me too. I have become pretty sure I prefer Wes Anderson to everybody though.

Either it's a slow day or I've really hit a nerve with this Boogie Nights thing.
Aside from Rhys' Pieces, it has been kind of a slow day.

It all depends on what you think are his three best.

(hint: if you don't have Boogie Nights in there then Punch-Drunk Love must be. )
There Will Be Blood
Punch Drunk Love
The Master
Boogie Nights
Hard Eight

Not a bad one in the bunch.

Well, I have The Master. Want me to watch that again and see if I feel like trashing it? It kinda didn't really win me over when I watched it the first time, too.

What happened to all the people that hated Marky Mark Wahlberg and found him wooden? Surely they must hate Boogie Nights. I don't agree with them about Mark Wahlberg, but I should jump on their train, at least as a stowaway.

Well, I have The Master. Want me to watch that again and see if I feel like trashing it? It kinda didn't really win me over when I watched it the first time, too.
You will hate it, which will prove its brilliance.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I think I gave The Master a

The insane thing is I'm starting to respect Philip Seymour Hoffman more now. 'Cause I like The Master more than Boogie Nights and he was actually one of the best things about Boogie Nights. I don't know. Perhaps his death affected me.

But I did like him in Love Liza, which I saw before he died.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
There Will Be Blood
Punch Drunk Love
The Master
Boogie Nights
Hard Eight

Not a bad one in the bunch.
The only one I'm not a big fan of is There Will Be Blood. Maybe it's my dislike of Paul Dano, but that last scene grates my nerves.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Very few movies are hateful or brilliant, but it seems around here it's gotta be one or the other.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Very few movies are hateful or brilliant, but it seems around here it's gotta be one or the other.
This is why people look up to you, because your
ratings with everything is very Zen.

For me it's

There Will Be Blood
The Master
Punch-Drunk Love
Boogie Nights
Hard Eight

The only one I'm not a big fan of is There Will Be Blood. Maybe it's my dislike of Paul Dano, but that last scene grates my nerves.

Oh my God. That ending is perfect. One of my favorite endings ever. I just watched Punch Drunk for the third time a couple weeks ago. I have liked it every time I have watched it but it has turned into love. Will be in my next 100 for sure.


I think The Master is probably Hoffman at his best and most charismatic.

I really like him in his "weird" roles (like in Boogie Nights or Happiness), but I think I like him even more as the charismatic 'tough talking' type.

Very few movies are hateful or brilliant, but it seems around here it's gotta be one or the other.
Do you think thats the case or do you think those are the ones we talk about and forget the others?