Terminator 1 vs Terminator 2


I'd say it's considerably worse to sound like the kind of person who would actually say "I know I sound like a *** saying this" just for expressing any kind of emotional sincerity.
by the way iroquois, like ur avatar, it reminds me how much i liked kurt russel in tango and cash, such a great action film from my favorite era.

Welcome to the human race...
by the way iroquois, like ur avatar, it reminds me how much i liked kurt russel in tango and cash, such a great action film from my favorite era.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
it kinda gave it more meaning to me, trying to destroy the cpu since she can t still trust the machine that almost got her killed in the past, and i would understand why she would think of destroying the cpu.
Well the thing is, is is I felt Sarah wouldn't destroy the CPU cause if this Terminator wanted to do kill her and John, he could have done so before, but instead, the Terminator saved both of them from an even more lethal Terminator.

So I thought that Sarah would feel dependent on this Terminator for protection since another one is out there after them, who he just saved them from. I just didn't buy into her wanting to destroy it without any hesitation or second thought at all, when they are in danger of another Terminator.

So I felt the scene was best left cut out cause of that but maybe I need to watch it again.

I wont stand criticism for T2.
It was the first "adult" movie i have ever seen.
My Favorite Films

For me it's

1. Terminator 1
2. Sarah Connor Chronicles
3. Terminator 2
4. Terminator 3
5. Terminator Salvation

And I skipped the "new" one.
This I can agree with (except that I made the mistake of not skipping the new one).

My issue with T2 is that despite of the fact that it actually is R-rated I've always considered it as a harbinger of the PG13 action. It turned the scary apocalyptic nightmare of the first movie into family friendly action.

I only really watched the first one to set up watching the second one which had so much of the hype. I was surprised that I ended up enjoying the first one more. While the second had fantastic action scenes it lacked the atmosphere of the original, and it had a lot more boring moments. The second just felt badly paced and focused too much on plot that wasnt that interesting.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I thought the second had a more interesting plot, finding out what Skynet was and wanting to stop it, where as the plot of the first one, was really just running from the Terminator, for the whole movie, in comparison.

As for the movie being PG-13ish action, I didn't find that at all. I mean it's not that violent, but I don't think it needs to be.

I also like the characters better in this one as I feel, The T-101 is a bit more interesting hero than Kyle Reese for me, and the T-1000 is a bit more of a better villain than the T-101 in the original. I consider the two T-101s to be different characters since their behavior and character arcs are different, and T2 had the better one, IMO.

Sarah Connor is very good in both.

I also feel that the subplot with the two cops investigating the Sarah Connor murders in the original, kind of slowed things down a bit perhaps, and could have been cut. Just have the cops tell Sarah they were worried about her later cause of the others, but not sure if they had to actually show their investigation process of the whole thing.

I consider the two T-101s to be different characters since their behavior and character arcs are different, and T2 had the better one, IMO.

Well, the thing is, is that they are different characters.
They're the same model of Terminator: Cyberdyne Systems Model 101... but they're different machines.
There's thousands of T-101s, and they come off a factory assembly line, and they all look like Ahnuld.


-The Terminator in the first film was programmed to kill Sarah Connor, and so it systematically travelled the area, using a phonebook as a guide to wipe out everyone with that name. It had a mission, and it carried it out to the letter.
-At the start of T2, the machine acts pretty much the same as the Terminator in the first movie. He's very matter of fact. He's been programmed to do a mission, in this case to protect John and obey John's orders... and, ;ile the Terminator in the first film, he carries out his programming to the letter.

The main dramatic difference between the two machines, is that the machine in the first movie was set to "read only", meaning he was a mindless programmed machine, and incapable of individual thought.
The machine in T2 tells John and Sarah that his chip (brain) is a learning computer but it is currently set to "read only"... so Sarah and John reset the pin-switch on his chip so he can actually learn and adapt and appear more human in his behaviour.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I have a question about the plot to T2 after just watching it again.


Why did Miles Dyson not detonate the bomb right away? After he is shot, he tells the SWAT officers he doesn't know how much longer he can hold it, and he waits all the way until he dies trying not to detonate the bomb. But why? If he dies and fails to detonate it, it might not get detonated and then the future will not be changed. So why doesn't he detonate the bomb while he is still alive so it gets done for sure?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
1) To save the lives of the Police, they are just doing their job.

2) The bomb if I remember rightly is some sort of dead man's switch, or he is holding it in such a way that guarantees it going off.

Yeah he's holding a heavy chunk of the shattered prototype chip above the trigger, knowing that when he dies his hand will drop and the heavy chunk he's holding will hit the trigger.

But yeah, he basically warns the SWAT team when they approach him that what he has under his hand is a bomb's trigger, so the police have a chance to get out before the explosion.
He's become a kind of freedom fighter, and is sparing the lives of innocent officers.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But the SWAT teams just shot him and he will die because of it, so doesn't his feelings for them go down cause they shot him? If I were riddled with bullets from the police and I was just trying to stop a nuclear war, I wouldn't have much sympathy for the police and take them with me, especially when they fired several shots into me, without any warning whatsoever.

Plus even if he did take the police with him, judgement day won't happen, which will cause the Terminator not be sent back through time, which will cause Dyson to not get killed by the police anyway? So why does he care about the police, when they just shot him and he is going to die because of it, and also, because the timeline is going to be changed by his actions anyway?

But the SWAT teams just shot him and he will die because of it, so doesn't his feelings for them go down cause they shot him? If I were riddled with bullets from the police and I was just trying to stop a nuclear war, I wouldn't have much sympathy for the police and take them with me, especially when they fired several shots into me, without any warning whatsoever.

The cops don't know this though.
As far as they're concerned, and with the report from the security guards, there are some dangerous people in the building.
"I think it's the guy from the mall"
"It is the guy!"
"Yeah, it's him, and the woman"
So as far as the cops are concerned, Sarah Connor (a known terrorist) and a guy who fits the description of someone who murdered 18 police officers in 1984, are in this building, doing some terrorist stuff.
And when they burst into the room, Sarah runs for cover... she moves like she means business... so they open fire, and in the process, they hit one of the group, in this case they hit Dyson.

Look at how John reprograms the Terminator to not take lives.
Dyson though choosing to give the cops a chance to leave the building, is the entire message of the movie... life matters.

After Sarah, John and the Terminator explain to Dyson that his current actions will lead to the extermination of the entire human race, he joins them in an attempt to stop that from happening.
So in the factory, if Dyson waited for the cops to get close and just said "**** you" and hit the button, he would be going back on everything they're trying to accomplish.

Plus even if he did take the police with him, judgement day won't happen, which will cause the Terminator not be sent back through time, which will cause Dyson to not get killed by the police anyway? So why does he care about the police, when they just shot him and he is going to die because of it, and also, because the timeline is going to be changed by his actions anyway?

I'm not going into the technicalities of time travel or explaining paradoxes.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I guess I don't feel the cops should be excused for choosing to shoot past a bystander to try to hit someone else.

Well I don't think he would be going back on everything he would be trying to accomplish. He would be saving mankind from nuclear destruction, but also taking out the particular cops who shot him as a bonus, in the process.

Welcome to the human race...
You're really not getting the whole "don't kill anyone" thing. I'm pretty sure the only character in the film who actually causes human deaths is the T-1000, who is the unambiguous villain.

That's what I mean though about the cops' point of view... they don't know Dyson is a bystander or whatever... all they know, is a group of people are in there, and as far as they're concerned, the people are all terrorists... and upon entering the room one of them moves quickly, so they open fire.
It just happens that it's Dyson who is the one who gets clipped.

Dyson though, takes the high-ground and chooses to do what he does and gives them a chance to leave before the bomb goes off.

Dyson, morally, is a hero.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah that's true, good point.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Does anyone find it to be a huge coincidence in the plot, that the man who created Skynet lives in Los Angeles, but also that the person who is ends up leading an army against Skynet is also from the same city, in all of the country?

Welcome to the human race...
Now that I think about it...not really. Between Silicon Valley's nearby location and John explaining that Sarah was institutionalised for "trying to blow up a computer factory" (or words to that effect), which would explain why they've both been stuck in L.A. in a foster home and mental institution respectively, it's not that improbable.