Last Letter First Letter


Evil Dead
Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running?
Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually.

Y tu mamá tambien
If i could laugh, I´d love you; If I could smile at anything you said, We could be laughing lovers; I think you prefer to be miserable instead...("Im your villain", Franz Fedinand)

Neverending Story, The

Can we try with real bullets now?
Twice Upon A Time
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

the perfect score


Why do so many film names end in E? >,>

Can we try with real bullets now?

Can we try with real bullets now?
Stuck On You

I got for good luck my black tooth.

Originally Posted by Gods_third_leg

Why do so many film names end in E? >,>
Because it's the most common letter in the English lanuage .
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."