How do you rate movies?


Sudoku Blackbelt
Really it depends on who you're rating it for. If it's for yourself, then it's whether you liked it or not and, if you did, how much.

This is how far it goes for me. If someone asks me what I thought, I'll go a bit deeper.

But I'm not gonna whittle it down until I've analyzed every aspect, weighed this over that, etc, etc, and then decide whether I like it or not.
I know whether or not I enjoyed a movie when I'm walking out of the theater.
"A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer" ~ Comedian Mitch Hedberg (1968-2005)

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
How much I enjoy it, and how long it stays with me afterwards. Got to have both...For instance, I enjoy Jersey Shore, but I feel cheap and ashamed afterwards and forget it instantly.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Thanks for that. Although, "seeing things for what they are" takes a backseat to emotional response ALWAYS.
When I say seeing things for what they are I mean how I percieve them at the time, so it's a simultaneous intelectual and emotional cognisanze. Later, I can always get analytical about it. It's pretty much about personality and first impressions but some of us lead with the heart.

When I say seeing things for what they are I mean how I percieve them at the time, so it's a simultaneous intelectual and emotional cognisanze. Later, I can always get analytical about it. It's pretty much about personality and first impressions but some of us lead with the heart.
+rep for that methinks, have you got blisters on your fingertips?

+rep for that methinks, have you got blisters on your fingertips?
Thanks. What finger tips? They are oblitirated as I usually do two thing at the same time ( Yup, I can walk and chew gum in harmony )

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
If I walk out of the film feeling entertained or emotionally moved in any fashion, I'd feel satisfied. If I come out demanding my money back and complaining of wasted time, then the film utterly sucked for me.

I have a 5 star rating system
.5 star- this means I couldn't finish wacthing. It's pretty rare to get this, I really had to not be able to continue.
1 star- usually I can finish it, but it has many plot holes or is plain out extremely boring
1.5 stars- same as 1 but I can find a few things I liked
2 stars- it was bad but already wasnt awful
2.5 not to bad but still not great
3 stars- an ok movie
3.5 pretty good
4- amazing
4.5- like for most people 5 stars. Couldn't find a flaw
5 stars- near impossible. 13 movies have done it. For most people this would be like 6 stars

I have a 5 star rating system
.5 star- this means I couldn't finish wacthing. It's pretty rare to get this, I really had to not be able to continue.
1 star- usually I can finish it, but it has many plot holes or is plain out extremely boring
1.5 stars- same as 1 but I can find a few things I liked
2 stars- it was bad but already wasnt awful
2.5 not to bad but still not great
3 stars- an ok movie
3.5 pretty good
4- amazing
4.5- like for most people 5 stars. Couldn't find a flaw
5 stars- near impossible. 13 movies have done it. For most people this would be like 6 stars
Damn, what a quantification you have here! I'm surprised you don't have 0 for not being able to start watching
I am curious, though, what are the 13 movies that did the near impossible?

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Star ratings have too much of a bias for me. I prefer the good old-fashioned thumbs-up or thumbs-down when rating movies. If it's watchable, entertaining, and (rarely) a masterpiece, thumbs up. If it sucks beyond compare, thumbs down.

I'm also curious what those 13 films are that did the near impossible. I have my own list, but let's hear yours, donniedarko.

Star ratings have too much of a bias for me. I prefer the good old-fashioned thumbs-up or thumbs-down when rating movies. If it's watchable, entertaining, and (rarely) a masterpiece, thumbs up. If it sucks beyond compare, thumbs down.

I'm also curious what those 13 films are that did the near impossible. I have my own list, but let's hear yours, donniedarko.
Donniedarko does not seem to be with us at the moment but I'm sure he'll have enough time to prepare for the near impossible.

Butterflies Forever

How I rate a movie is based on the fact of if this movie moves me. Do I laugh, cry, get surprised, or am I just bored. If the movie does not carry me on an emotional roller-coaster from start to finish, it's not going to get to good of a rating with me.


Damn, what a quantification you have here! I'm surprised you don't have 0 for not being able to start watching
I am curious, though, what are the 13 movies that did the near impossible?
The 13 movies were
Hobo with a shotgun
Apocalypse now
True Grit (2010)
Kings Speech
Silence of the lambs
Donnie Darko
Rosemary's Baby
(That was in no particular order

Individual rating movies is in the eyes, ears, minds and hearts of the beholders, imo. There are oh, so many different ways to rate movies, and it also depends on the individual movie, more than anything else.

I tend to rate movies on a combination of things; how trusted newspaper reviewers view them, how enjoyable they are, the content of a given film or films, how well they're photographed, how developed the characters and their various personalities are, and a combination of gut instinct and intellectualism and idealism, as well.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

I don't know about you guys but i rate movies by the quality and whether the story makes sense or not.

4 stars - either a movie where I coudn't find any flaws or just a movie which I liked personally,but it has some drawbacks.
3 stars - Good movie,usually flawless but has nothing original in it,nothing what would make the viewer to remember it.It just takes a topic,tells about it a good story and that's it.An example would be the Shawshank Redemption,or Green Mile.Also,I give 3 if the movie is unique,but has some flaws.
2 stars - a fine movie.Has one major or some minor drawbacks,but some things are good in it. (Ink,The Beach)
1 star - bad movies,with many flaws.Also,the typical ones,with no originality,nothing interesting and nothing memorable.I have never written a review of a 1 star movie,I prefer writing about the good ones. ^^

My rating depends on acting,plot,cinematography,all the visual and sound effects and the "inner" side of the movie - the message which it sends.

i use a 10-point rating scale. i give 10/10's to the movies in my top ten. these are the movies that are like magic to me. if a movie is in my top ten, i'm essentially saying, these are the ones that make me love the movies

9's to the movies i like a lot but just missed out on the top ten... given out about twenty-five 9/10 ratings. these are oh-so-close to being a favorite, but not quite there. but hang tight, over time it's not out of the question that they could scratch and claw a way into the top ten.. overthrowing old favorites in dramatic fashion

8's to movies that are good, solid movies but for whatever reason don't weigh over-the-top to me... good but not a favorite. given out about eighty 8/10 ratings.

7's to movies that are decent, definitely not bad movies. overall i'd say they're good and were worth watching the first time, but don't feel overly compelled to watch them again. given out one-hundred-and-thiry-four 7/10 ratings

6's to movies that are nearing what i'd call mediocrity, these tend to disappoint me overall.. but may also have a rare redeeming quality of some kind that helped me very slightly enjoy it. given out one-hundred-ninety-eight 6/10 ratings

5's to movies that are just plain mediocre, to me. they're not the worst movies ever, but they don't really have a redeeming quality in my mind and they're basically just plain meh. given out sixty-six 5/10 ratings

4's and below are just varying degrees of crap, to me. nothing very scientific, basically when i rated these i just thought they sucked. don't ever even look at these titles. given out sixty-six ratings that range from 4/10 to 1/10.

way overly-simple version
any movie rated 7 or over: good.
5 or 6: mediocre or barely better than mediocre
4 or below: bad

i don't give out a lot of 9's and 10's, but when i do it's bc it's one of the movies that rewarded me most for the time i've spent sifting through all the clutter

I tend to rate most movies by how I feel as soon as they are finished. A number pops into my head relative to other movies I have seen. There is, however, a little bit of science in terms of that number. I have essentially five categories in my head - Story (includes plot, screenplay, etc), Characters (depth, acting, etc), Visuals (cinematography, costumes, etc), Sound (score, music, etc) and Intangibles (atmosphere, emotion, etc).

They aren't really equal but for a movie to get a 10 it would usually need to score well in each category - or be exceptional in terms of Story or Characters.

For movies I have a hard time rating I will actually go through each category and score it. Antichrist was an example of this. I had no idea what to score it afterwards so broke it down into the five categories.

My score out of 10 equates to:

1 Unwatchable (or just piss me off like The Postman)
2 Terrible
3 Bad
4 Poor
5 OK
6 Quite Good
7 Good
8 Very Good
9 Excellent
10 Mind Blowing

Also, if after watching a movie I feel like I would never bother watching it again, I won't give it more that a 7. Also, almost never give 1/10 and seldom 10/10.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I use the popcorn scale so
= This movie was friggin awful!!!
= This movie was not worth watching
= Wasn't awful
= Was slightly better than not awful
= This movie was decent
= This movie was fair
= This movie was good
= Not to shabby, rent this movie
= Great, buy this movie
= Better than great
= Fan-friggin-tastic
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

= Not a second of this film is worth seeing.
= Not good, but not completely rubbish.
= Mediocre with good elements
= Pretty good, although it has some flaws.
= Good movie! I Really enjoyed it!
= GREAT film! I liked it A LOT!
= BRILLIANT! I fell in love with this film!

Then I have -, (-), (+) and + to give the rating an extra dimension.

For example:

- = Really good (well made) film, but not GREAT. I liked it pretty much, but I have some minor issues with it.
+ = Wow! Great film! I very much liked it! I liked practically everything about it, but it just misses that small amount of "extra" to rank even higher.

I give a lot of
s and
s. ;p