John Carter


Haven't read any of the books, though I'd like to. I'm willing to bet they're much better than the movie was. I really didn't like it, at all. Instead of going down the campy road, which would've made it significantly better, they took it too seriously despite the material's potential for a very entertaining b-movie sci-fi action flick.
I highly recommend the original trilogy (A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, The Warlord of Mars). I read through them relatively recently. Realizing the books pre-dated almost everything, it was easy to see where things like Star Wars and Superman stole from Burroughs.
"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
Family DVD Collection | My Top 100 | My Movie Thoughts | Frank Capra

Everyone stole from Burroughs. That's part of the problem the film has. John Carter looks incredibly derivative, but it's the source. However, contrary to what Andrew Stanton thinks/believes, most people (including myself until the film was released) had no idea that this was the case. Therefore, many people went and saw a film that 'ripped off' a whole host of other sci-fi films.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Hi guys ... Really nice talking about john carter movies, and also really nice above comments, guys, i also want to say something about this topic, Recently i watched this movie, and according to my personal view, it's really nice movie story, it's awesome movie ... Keep it up ...

I enjoyed it. It wasn't great but as far as fantasy sci-fi goes, it's worth seeing. I strangely seem to recall seeing it called "John Carter of Mars" way back, and that's how I'd thought of it ever since. That alone perked my initial interest and kept it on my radar, though I didn't make an effort to see it asap. When I finally did watch it, I especially enjoyed the western set-up of Carter's character. His introduction was effective but that was unfortunately also the most memorable part for me; The rest is mostly a haze of fun but forgettable CGI battles. I think the character of John Carter himself had great potential that wasn't fully realized. The advertising was a disaster, clearly, and though it was mishandled, the movie itself isn't terrible. It surely could've been improved in sequels which certainly won't happen now.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!