Happy Veterans Day!


Friday November 11th 2016 - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Question - is any member of the forum a war veteran? I think Gunslinger and Spudracer were in Iraq.

Friday November 11th 2016 - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Question - is any member of the forum a war veteran? I think Gunslinger and Spudracer were in Iraq.
Actually it's interesting to see poppies on the graphics here because I wondered whether you wore them in the States? They're worn very early in the UK now, leading up to Remembrance Sunday.

I never made it to the sandbox sadly
Well youre a cop so you have your own version of a sandbox, appreciate your service too bro'

I hope all of you Veteran's and your family members have a great day today. Thank you all very much for keeping us safe and doing what needs to be done. Your sacrifice and dedication is comforting and very much appreciated.

Special gratitude goes to those that have been injured or killed - your family and the rest of America loves you very much and I for one can say not a day goes by that I am not grateful.

Now go out and get those freebie meals and stuff out there .

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

A belated Thank You to the veterans, for your service and dedication to our safety, freedom and our country. No words could express enough gratitude. And I also would like to extend another thank you to the policeman on our site, and the police force all across the USA, for your brave work, help beyond the boundaries of the job description and your daily heroism.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Bless you whoever your gods may be. Many thanks to the young and old brave men and women of the defence forces.