Past Problems with Movie Stores


I wipe my ass with your feelings
Well folks, I rented Magnolia from my local, but very busy, Blockbuster. I must say that the movie has good potential from the beginning...but it lacks a couple of things.

Like some frigging scenes! The movie has been skipping around like Little Red Riding Hood. It's horrible and I can't seem to get the basic grasp of things.

So how do you think I should go about this? I've heard the movie is fabulous and would like to watch it. Do I just demand they get another movie for my viewing pleasure. I am giving them 25.00 a month too for an unlimited number of in all honesty, I think I have every right to do something along those lines.

Anyways, I'd like to turn this into a useful thread. So answer my question () and the following:

Have you ever had any trouble with material you've rented from your video store? (DVD, VHS, Games, Gaming Consoles, etc.)

If you did, how did you get the problem solved?

One last question.

Where do you go to rentyour movies and such?
We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers, they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everybody involved knows the stakes. And if you're gonna accept those stakes... You gotta do certain things. It's business, we're soldiers. We follow codes... Orders.

I've actually never had any trouble (yet) from a DVD that I rented at a video store - and I go to Blockbusters. I have had LOTS of trouble with DVDs that I've checked out at the library. But, go figure.

Usually movies that have been damaged are the fault of your fellow consumers. Does that forgive the buisness? No way, but it does shed a little light. Granted I have rented a movie that was spanking new and it had problems, but that is very rare. What do you do about it? You make them aware of the issue without making an ass of yourself. The clerk behind the counter did not pull your DVD /VCR tape out and spit on it so it would not play right so do not come down too hard on them. I get most of my rentals from Netflix nowadays and I have had a few movies sent to me with problems, wrong movie in the sleeve, cracked dvds, scratches, etc..., but way more often than not they are fine. If I get more than one messed up movie in a month I call them to complain. I have only had to do this twice and both times I got a full months credit for my problems. Seemed fair to me. It is true the squeeky wheel gets the grease, but if the wheel is too loud and too noisy it usually just gets kicked.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randal
I've had problems before with DVD's, luckily it's usually pretty rare. I rent from Blockbuster (both online and in the store). The ones I have had problems with have been the ones from the stores. When it happened I called them and told them about it, if they had another copy in stock I could come exchange it, otherwise I would get a free rental. I agree with 7thson's remarks, having worked retail for many years (1 in a video store), people have to realize that it's not the person behind the counter's fault and there is no need to get upset with them. I have had nothing but great service when dealing with this problem.
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Orgasmo - In rented it, hoping ti get a laugh at one of Trey Parker's earliest endeavours. I only got the special features disk. And because I didn't call them about it, they tried to charge me for it.. but that was sorted out.

The Girl Next Door - The movie was going great, tons of laughs, and a large puddle of drool. Then maybe ten minutes to the end, right in the climax of the film. The DVD goes pixelated and skips like crazy. I managed to get around that scene, because I had to skip it. And I never saw what happened during the one part. But I did see the end.

My biggest bone to pick is damaged DVD's, I think the employees should check the DVD's on a regular basis, and get rid of it if there is excessive wear.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Originally Posted by Electric Wizard
My biggest bone to pick is damaged DVD's, I think the employees should check the DVD's on a regular basis, and get rid of it if there is excessive wear.
I totally agree with you there. I've just been given 5 free rentals from Blockbusters after i had a word with the manager.

Before i put a rental into my dvd playeri check the disc, and my problem has been that for about the last 15 or so rentals i've had from Blockies the discs have been covered in finger prints, dust, hair and my personal favourite..... jam. Now call me picky but discs in that condition are not going in my equipment so i've cleaned the discs, which in my opinion should be done in-store. Whilst discussing this with the store manager i pointed out that when Blockbusters only rented video tapes the customers were warned if the tapes were bought back not re-wound, so wouldn't it be just as vigilant from the stores point of view to check returned discs and put a note on a customers account if their rental was returned 'differently' to how it left.
The manager seemed unaware of the problem and actually thanked me for bringing it to his attention.
CJ from Reggie Perrin.