Movie You're Watching Tonight


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

giving this a rewatch, i love wes craven
How did it play this time?

This movie has been on my mind for weeks now for some reason. I could watch plotless horrors as a kid with no issue, but this one really freaked me out. I wonder if it will hold up to the memory.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
How did it play this time?

This movie has been on my mind for weeks now for some reason. I could watch plotless horrors as a kid with no issue, but this one really freaked me out. I wonder if it will hold up to the memory.
Ah, Dr. Allen! What brings you to Haiti, Dr. Allen? Good movie choice.

How did it play this time?

This movie has been on my mind for weeks now for some reason. I could watch plotless horrors as a kid with no issue, but this one really freaked me out. I wonder if it will hold up to the memory.
scary as hell, very disturbing


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

It's all about love for me today....*****

Don't thank me or nothin'

The Bib-iest of Nickels
God! I love this movie
I've always really loved the Walter Mitty short-story and also enjoyed this film.

I'm almost finished with re-watching all of the SAW films in-anticipation of the new "Jigsaw" film. I am not a big-big fan of the films, but I wanted to watch them so I could jot down my thoughts on them once and for all.