What are you doing at this very moment?


I just got lambasted with a gambit of emotions: My mother is ticked off at me for being so loud this late at night, my kids living at home with me think I am awesome, my daughter's BF almost literally pissed his pants. I need to buy a new umbrella tommorow - I laughed so hard I almost croaked, my GF will be quite amused tommorow I am sure, my pets are petrified, my neighbors probablly wanted to call the police, and all I did was hide in the bushes and chucked an umbrella at my daughter's BF when he pulled up in the driveway while I was shouting Zulu Dawn!!!!! I did hit him in the nuts accidently . I will have a third grandchild in a few months and by god my New years resolution is over before it began.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
I have my [hopefully] last singing grade exam today :] It's making me a bit sick to think about it but I just want it over and done with so I can plough on into next weekend when I see Aerosmith, AC/DC and Rage Against the Machine at Download
"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
I'm suffering a wee bit from last night. I've been reduced to eating nothing but dry cornflakes. On the plus side, Sabrina the Teenage Witch is on, things are totally looking up

Waiting for news from the hospital, my mother left this morning before I woke up and my sister says she might have had a stroke. Man this came out of nowhere - depending on the outcome I may be gone for awhile, but hopefully not.

My mother did have a stroke - it was kinda strange, but w/o going into too much detail she has been admitted into a local hospital and has already made the nurses mad because she will not lay still. She wants to get up and she has this monitor that tells them when she gets up. I think she must have activated it like 100 times already. She was doing laundry and washing dishes in the the few moments before she had her episode, she is 77 years old. They are threatening to strap her down. Sigh.... oh well stay tuned .

Sorry to hear about your Mum I hope she has a full recovery
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Sorry to hear about your mum, 7th. I'm hoping for the best for you.

My nan has had 3 really bad nose bleeds in the past 3 or 4 weeks and had to be admitted into hospital each time to stay overnight. As they haven't cauterized it and, when it happens, she always has very high blood presure, I'm guessing that they're thinking that she's heading towards having a stroke. These nose bleeds being the release that have stopped it happening so far.

My advice is just watch Drew and ignore the rest, Juno.
I liked the movie especially Ginnifer Goodwin.

Right now I am eating a bowl of Rice Crispies

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Awesome Adirondack morning! Got up at 4:30, fished the Black River for 2 hours, came home with 6 nice Brown Trout, cleaned them in the backyard so as not to get the wife irritated by doing them in the sink, cooked 2 of them up for my son for breakfast, and now sipping coffee and ready for work. The perfect morning. Pic of the Black River below

Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Female Jungle Poster
Thinking that of all the threads in all the forums of the internet, this one is my favorite. It's so comforting, somehow.

Waiting for hubby to go to bed, so I can commandeer the DVD player to watch Amadeus for the umpteenth time.
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~