The Baker's Dozen Movie Game Thread


13 Movies Shot in Africa

1. Out of Africa
2. Blood Diamond
3. The African Queen
4. The Ghost and the Darkness
5. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
6. White Hunter, Black Heart
7. Catch A Fire
8. Mountains of the Moon
9. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
10. The Gods Must Be Crazy
12. The Naked Prey
13. Madagascar

13 Movies With Balls
1. The Color Of Money
My blog, pics and music on Yahoo! 360

My Yahoo! Movies page.

My Yahoo! Launch radio station.

I was gonna change the topic but you beat me to it.

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy

I was gonna change the topic but you beat me to it.

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story
I'm in movie heaven

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story (sic)
8. The Hustler

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story

8. Scary Movie (Miss Mann's, the gym teacher, remember her?)

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story (sic)
8. The Hustler
9. Scary Movie (Miss Mann's, the gym teacher, remember her?)
10. Green Street

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story (sic)
8. The Hustler
9. Scary Movie (Miss Mann's, the gym teacher, remember her?)
10. Green Street
11. Hoosiers

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story (sic)
8. The Hustler
9. Scary Movie (Miss Mann's, the gym teacher, remember her?)
10. Green Street
11. Hoosiers
12. Run (1991)

13 Movies With Balls

1. The Color Of Money
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rudy
4. Hard Candy
5. BASEketball
6. The Basketball Diaries (yes I did see some balls there)
7. DogeBall:A true Underdog story (sic)
8. The Hustler
9. Scary Movie (Miss Mann's, the gym teacher, remember her?)
10. Green Street
11. Hoosiers
12. Run (1991)
13. Goal

13 Movies with good CGI

1. War of The Worlds(2005)

Originally Posted by B-Card
13 movies with CGI so good you can't tell (in your openion)
There aren't any, much less thirteen (in my opinion).
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

13 Movies with good CGI.

1. War of The Worlds (2005)
2. Spider-Man
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

13 Movies with Good CGI

1. War of The Worlds (2005)
2. Spider-Man
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Amélie

13 Movies with good CGI

1. War of The Worlds (2005)
2. Spider-Man
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Amélie
6. The Day After Tomorrow

13 Movies with good CGI

1. War of The Worlds (2005)
2. Spider-Man
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Amélie
6. The Day After Tomorrow
7. Jurassic Park