Am I the only one who hates Avatar????


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
the over/under on moviegoddess is 15

i'll go with the younger.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

I hate the corny philosophy.

oh the bad guy for responding to a thread about hateing avitar...but when i said yes i agree i cant stand this movie either.....i get bashed and my age called out???!!!

im the generation that was raised on x-men, not the new millennium bullsh!t either...

i never said the movie looked bad, i think it looks great, but because i dont need a lesson in tolreance, because i already understand raceism, and the cruelty of human young and "just dont understand"...

age has nothing to do with youth....and maybe i had other teachings of treatment of people, and how to act.

whats with the snide remarks...if you want to know something, just ask. i shoot straight from the hip and im not shy....
Im tired of being caught in the tangle of these peoples lives.....

oh the bad guy for responding to a thread about hateing avitar....
I don't think you are a bad guy you can say what you want about any movie I was just concerned you hadn't seen it, but hey who am I to say anything
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

usually im right about movies and dragon wars, it was soooo stupid, but i saw i anyways....i wish i could have that hour back of my life...i couldnt even watch the whole mom loves it and tlked me into seeing it.

i didnt see pluto nash...but i knew i should not watch that movie...yogi bear, looks very bad, and i wont even watch it on tv..

i did see love guru..i was warned, at least i saw it on bootleg...i saw blair witch on tv..wish i had that time back..

i didnt see gili...but i knew it was a epic fail just from the previews...some things you just know...its bad, and shoud be avoided at all costs...

Two types of haters. Those who hate Avatar for thinking its a **** movie. And those who hate it for it essentially being Pocahontas

Well I don't appreciate it as well. I love watching the cartoons in nick, and when I'd seen the trailer of this film I was so excited to watch it and knowing it will be directed by the Indian guy who made The Six Sense film.

But when I saw the film it was not what I expected it. The kid acted awful and so as that Indian villain (the prince of fire nation). The power of bending in this film is not that appealing. I still prefer the cartoons!

Well I don't appreciate it as well. I love watching the cartoons in nick, and when I'd seen the trailer of this film I was so excited to watch it and knowing it will be directed by the Indian guy who made The Six Sense film.

But when I saw the film it was not what I expected it. The kid acted awful and so as that Indian villain (the prince of fire nation). The power of bending in this film is not that appealing. I still prefer the cartoons!

Wrong Avatar.
"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
Family DVD Collection | My Top 100 | My Movie Thoughts | Frank Capra

count me in..

I too dint find avatar amusing... it was like a kid's video game..
Wait and Hope

I just couldn't get into. I wouldn't say I hated it , but watching it one time was more than enough for me.

Well I saw it regardless of my feelings about 3-D, and I'll admit I wasted my money. I lost interest about twenty minutes into it. Regardless, I won't go on and on about the cliches because they've been talked about to death. Simply put, I]Avatar[/i] failed to engage me on every level.

And I don't think it warrants the hatred it has received. Why hate it? Hating it takes more energy than it really deserves.

was an aliright movie..nothing great but worth a watch

i don't exactly hate's a treat for eyes...but,yeah,there is nothing original about it...

I don't hate Avatar. But it's deffinitely not an original movie, and I wouldn't watch it again.

Anarchist within reason
I didn't hate Avatar. Overall I thought it was a good film but the two things that didn't do it any favours, were the hype and in particular the storyline. Its been done in the past and been done a lot better but props to James Cameron, he slaved over this film for years and came out with a pretty good end result.

(I dont know how someone could "hate" this film... this isn't Alien vs Predator 2 we're talking about here folks!)
If at his council I should turn aside, Into that ominous tract which all agree, Hides the Dark Tower. Yet aquiescingly I did turn as he pointed, neither pride nor hope at the end descried, so much as gladness that some end might be.

Robert Browning 'Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came'

I think someone could "hate" it for the following fairly legitimate reasons:
  1. Because of the clumsy political messages.
  2. Because it almost single-handedly made the wildly-unnecessary 3D fad ubiquitous.
  3. Because its success probably has some modest effect on how story-versus-spectacle-driven future blockbusters will be.
I know I didn't like it, though it might be hard to say I "hated it." But when all I like about a film is that I find the technology impressive, am I really liking the movie? Or am I admiring the achievement, in the same way I might be impressed by the Empire State Building, but not find staring at it entertaining?

Anyway, lots of cool MoFos who have my everlasting respect thought it was fun, so good on them.

I think someone could "hate" it for the following fairly legitimate reasons:
  1. Because its success probably has some modest effect on how story-versus-spectacle-driven future blockbusters will be.
While I understand (and agree that it's continued the trend) I think to lay this at the door of Avatar is wrong and a little unfair. Of course, 10-20 years from now, we may look back and agree that Avatar took it to 'the next step'.

10-20 years from now hopefully we won't be talking about Avatar. Hopefully most people would see it for the gimmick nonesense it is and conclude that it was just a big player in this 3D thing.

While I understand (and agree that it's continued the trend) I think to lay this at the door of Avatar is wrong and a little unfair. Of course, 10-20 years from now, we may look back and agree that Avatar took it to 'the next step'.
Unfair to lay all of it at its feet, absolutely. But then again, you can't lay all of that at any one film's feet, but I still wouldn't absolve any of them for it. I think you can certainly say that Avatar was such a huge success that it probably did a lot more to further this than, say, Transformers. And the fact that Avatar clearly has grander ambitions and thinks more highly of itself than most mindless blockbusters makes it a bit worse.

Anyway, that is, admittedly, the more generic of the reasons I listed. I think its awkward preachiness, terrible dialogue, and its utter predictability are reason enough. But the one thing I expect even those who like it to agree with as a reasonable reason for hatred is it single-handedly legitimizing the widespread use of 3D.