What Would Be Your Crusade?


Let's say you didn't have to worry about working, or your family... let's say you have your whole life to devote to changing or discovering something. It's your crusade, your life's work... what would you devote yourself to? Would you join PETA and stop the killing of animals? Would you be like Fox Mulder and search for the aliens? Maybe you would chain youself to a tree to stop deforrestation? Or do what you had to to end the nuclear programs once and for all.

What's worth fighting for, really fighting for, to you?

I find my profession (being a day trader) to be pretty meaningless, so I spend time helping homeless kids, mentally challenged people, animals and others who need help. That's what gives my life meaning, along with spending time with family and friends. I guess one crusade I have is to try to understand as much as I can, and to get many others to do the same.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Originally Posted by firegod
I find my profession (being a day trader) to be pretty meaningless, so I spend time helping homeless kids, mentally challenged people, ....

Hence your presence here... es verdad?

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Hence your presence here... es verdad?
At first I thought you were making a joke about people here being mentally challenged. But are you accusing me of lying, Toose? If you are, I don't appreciate it.

Originally Posted by firegod
At first I thought you were making a joke about people here being mentally challenged. But are you accusing me of lying, Toose? If you are, I don't appreciate it.

No dork, I was joking about us (in particular me) being mentally challenged. Stand down there, pitbull, this time I meant no malice...

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
No dork, I was joking about us (in particular me) being mentally challenged. Stand down there, pitbull, this time I meant no malice...

Lol. I'm very glad to hear that. The "es verdad" thing threw me off.

Originally Posted by firegod
Lol. I'm very glad to hear that. The "es verdad" thing threw me off.

Perhaps that's due to my challenged espanol.

Sorry man, didn't mean to get you lathered up... you know I love ya baby!

Well, I hadn't gotten lathered up, YET... But I WAS about to get neck deep in yo ass...

there's a frog in my snake oil
-espousing my own personal take on where our hearts and minds should be aimed: i.e. towards revering the equilibrium/harmony between competition and cooperation in the world (towards an idea of good and bad in ALL - and away from what i see as the damaging idea good/bad either-or seperations. "Better" n "worse" should be the criteria IMO)

-Pointing out the problems with literally believing things 100% and therefore thinking you can be 100% correct about anything, or that we have the potential to be 100% good. Inappropriate technology-use/scientific-beliefs i.e. GM, wish-fulfillment technologies etc etc etc , are big, big, big current examples of this endangering our own sustainability. Religious intolerance is another (the other sides are beautiful - it's just this aspect that gives me immense causes for concern)

-pointing out the inappropriateness of capitalism without socialism i.e. the two should go hand-in-hand to an extent: competition without the cooperation that nourishes it will kill us all (while just making everything worse in the meantime)

Those are the biggies. Think I'm gonna have my hands full all my life. Ah well, changing people's minds is a thankless task (but psychologically proven to be possible so they say ) - and when the change not the praise is the reward, who cares? (tho actually having more of this vital function recognised in job/social-structures would be nice. Heigh ho. On with the movies i go )
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Django's Avatar
Peace, love and forgiveness.

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Killing Uday and his affiliates.

Hey, what can I say? Nebbit has a bad influence on me.

I See You When You're Sleeping
I just have to say that Django having a white dove for his avatar is extremely hilarious and he will be getting POSITIVE rep points for the chuckles he just gave me.

Please keep it!

Liberty. It'd be nice to have real liberty, in my lifetime. But it won't happen.
You're not hopeless...

Hmm. An interesting question.

First of all, I'd probably spend my time on media watchdogging and public awareness. I'd also work toward an education overhaul, from top to bottom. Everyone, from grade schools to universities. There's a serious problem with myopia in this country's public education system--the one I'm entrusting my daugher to every day.

...oh, and I'd also make certain there's a little umbrella on the rim of every drink. I always feel cheated when I don't get one--which is all the time, since I don't drink Seabreezes. Mary Lo for President: An Umbrella in Every Drink, and a Pot in Every Chicken.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

I am having a nervous breakdance
I won't lie. I would be totally selfish if I never had to worry about money. I would probably devote my days to trying to write music and scripts, something that I always blame lack of time because of having to work for not doing enough. Maybe I would go into politics on some level if I had the opportunity and time.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Henry The Kid
Liberty. It'd be nice to have real liberty, in my lifetime. But it won't happen.
Go to North Korea and see if that time isn't allready here for you.

Eliminate Greed, Anger, and Envy from this world by killing people with an axe. Lol j/k