Series That Never Were


What are some movies that were the beginning of what was intended to be an ongoing series to get a sequel but it never ended up happening for whatever reason? I'm not talking about movies that already got at least one sequel, I mean movies that got none at all despite being made with the intention of a follow-up. Some I can think of:

Beetlejuice - Nearly 30 years the sequel has been in development Hell and has never gotten off the ground despite the success of the original which had a successful animated series but still no sequel. Still surprising to me all this time later a sequel hasn't materialized.

The Rocketeer - Was planned to be a trilogy but due to the underwhelming box office performance of the original, the sequel got shelved. Very sad as I always liked this film a good deal and think more could've been done with the character over the course of some new entries.

Godzilla 2 - I mean the 1998 movie. The 1998 movie was supposed to get a sequel (I think actually planned as a trilogy if I'm not mistaken), but the very poor reception of the 1998 film halted those plans.

Spawn 2 - Since the original in 1997 this has never gotten off the ground and despite Todd McFarlane's claims a sequel is still happening, I think 20 years later we're more likely to get a reboot.

Shocker - Was intended to be the start of a series writer/director Wes Craven would have complete creative control over after A Nightmare On Elm Street led to several successful sequels and he missed out on the profits they were making at the time. However when Shocker underperformed in October 1989 all sequel plans got scrapped.

I don't know for sure but one movie that always seemed surefire for a sequel was Small Soldiers. I wonder if not for it's underperformance back in 1998 if it might've gotten at least one sequel as the concept is one that lends itself well to multiple movies.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
We never did get that sequel to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension or that sequel to The Thing, or that sequel to Big Trouble in Little China for that matter, or the sequel to Starman Jeff Bridges wanted to make.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

I wonder if The Thing would've gotten a film sequel if not for it's poor box office performance. It did get a sequel in the form of the 2002 video game (which is excellent I might add and worth tracking down if you're a fan) and also had a comic book continuation. Same with Big Trouble In Little China, which I've been meaning to read. I'm not sure if at the time John Carpenter made both films if he planned sequels to either.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I wonder if The Thing would've gotten a film sequel if not for it's poor box office performance. It did get a sequel in the form of the 2002 video game (which is excellent I might add and worth tracking down if you're a fan) and also had a comic book continuation. Same with Big Trouble In Little China, which I've been meaning to read. I'm not sure if at the time John Carpenter made both films if he planned sequels to either.
Carpenter mentioned some of his favorite ideas for sequels of both, but I don't know if he planned to make them outright.

The most loathsome of all goblins
or that sequel to Big Trouble in Little China for that matter
last I heard someone was making a remake starring The Rock

Not sure if it ever left development hell though

We never did get that sequel to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension or that sequel to The Thing, or that sequel to Big Trouble in Little China for that matter, or the sequel to Starman Jeff Bridges wanted to make.
I don't know why, but the idea of a Starman remake turns my stomach...I feel like that story was told. JMO.

I don't actually wear pants.
Is anything happening with the newest American Godzilla? Like, is it being made into a series, or did it falter too much, just like the first American Godzilla?
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I don't know why, but the idea of a Starman remake turns my stomach...I feel like that story was told. JMO.
I never got a feel for the show they did myself. But Bridges wanted to do a sequel that I'm guessing would apparently deal with their adult son. I guess he and Karen Allen would reprise their roles. He talks about it in this interview. I don't really want them remaking it, either.

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
I think one of the biggest surprises that there was never a movie sequel to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

I never heard any development of Narnia series. After I believe the third sequel, there wasn't any more movies in production.
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I never got a feel for the show they did myself. But Bridges wanted to do a sequel that I'm guessing would apparently deal with their adult son. I guess he and Karen Allen would reprise their roles. He talks about it in this interview. I don't really want them remaking it, either.
Never saw the series.

Blade Runner (perhaps someday soon)

It's getting a sequel slated for release next month, Blade Runner 2049.

Dredd is another that comes to mind for this (the 2012 version). A sequel and prequel were both planned but due to the poor performance both got scrapped, however a television series was said to be in development earlier this year. I really like the 2012 Dredd film and would definitely be interested to see the show and hope from there we could get the planned sequel and prequel in the long run.

Not sure why, but the first that comes to mind is The Golden Compass.

Probably because so much of the film was setup for future films that we ever saw rather than just adding a little cliff-hanger at the end.

Probably because so much of the film was setup for future films that we ever saw rather than just adding a little cliff-hanger at the end.
Oh, definitely. I meant I wasn't sure why that was the first that came to mind.

Young Sherlock Holmes.

Shame, I really liked it.

Me too, always been a big childhood favorite and I think they could've done a lot of cool storylines with the young version of the character over the course of several sequels.