Saddest movie you have seen


PJ_Movies's Avatar
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The notebook. Ya it might be gay but it got me.

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saddest movie is The Green Mile
My face was absolutely soaked when I came out of the cinema...

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Was on the plane heading to USA for my honeymoon when I watched the The Time Traveler's Wife (2009). Poor new husband wakes up from a nap to find me blubbering like I was trying to save the world's water shortage. AND I'd already read the book! So I knew what was going to happen and it still got me!

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"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."

leicamaster's Avatar
The DM
The Elephant Man is probably the saddest movie I have seen. Anvil: The Story of Anvil is also in my list. I cried with American Movie as well.
Specializing in cult and art films.


leicamaster's Avatar
The DM
Oh forgot to add The Great Escape when Colin died.

leicamaster's Avatar
The DM
Im not sure if anybody has mentioned Benigni's Life is Beautiful. That's another tremendously sad movie.

Where the Red Fern Grows

Yes I am really really bored
Saddest movie is probably braveheart for me.
but the only movie i cried in my whole life is ice age (in the end :P)

Green Mile

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Not so much sad, but depressing as hell-- Little Children--just saw it, what a downer! Not one redeeming character in the whole flick. Although Jackie Earle Haley owned it as a twisted perv. Still, it left me feeling empty and sad at the end....
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I think the reason Little Children was more depressing than sad for me, is that it was about adults making bad choices.
They could all pretty much help themselves. Now if they had been eaten by a zombie, it might have been sad (or exciting).

Little Children is one of the films I own that I've yet to see. Sadly, I'm not in the right frame of mind to watch stuff like this atm. I watched The Chaser last week and I had enough trouble with that.

Really good film, though. Well worth a look.

High Tension. Very sad and horrible.

I think that Chrystal (2005) is one of the saddest films I've seen in a long time. Ray McKinnen has a knack for melancholy. One of the others he did is a short film, The Accountant (2001). It's incredible. Both are films based on some aspect of rural southern life. Chrystal is based in the ozark mountains, and The Accountant is on a farm. Of course, being a southerner, I'm going to have a strong affinity for this sort of thing. Especially when it portrays southerners and southern life with realism, while not giving authority to stereotypes and idealism. Unlike many other films.
Hollywood?... Do you have to remake every successful Swedish film?