Happy Halloween MoFos !!!!


I got a giant Avocado onesie, but only because a) I'm handing out candy all evening and I think that's more fun for the kids when the adult handing out candy is wearing something, particularly something silly, and b) I run a softball team called the Raging Avocados, so I know I'll get more mileage out of this thing one way or another.

The trick is not minding
I got a giant Avocado onesie, but only because a) I'm handing out candy all evening and I think that's more fun for the kids when the adult handing out candy is wearing something, particularly something silly, and b) I run a softball team called the Raging Avocados, so I know I'll get more mileage out of this thing one way or another.
I think you just found your new team uniforms