Shrek 2

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I read this review on the train on my way to work this morning and thought I’d share it. It’s from USA Today, by By Claudia Puig. I already wanted to see Shrek 2...heck, even my parents want to join me when I take the kids...but this review got my blood flowing even more.

'Shrek 2': A fairy tale come true for audiences
By Claudia Puig, USA TODAY

It's a rare sequel that is as good as its predecessor, but DreamWorks' Shrek 2 (* * * * stars out of four) is just as funny, sweet and engaging as the first film starring the big galoot. Shrek (voiced by Mike Meyers) finds a new sidekick in the lovable, but scrappy Puss-In-Boots (Antonio Banderas).

But in this one, the lovable green giant (voiced again by Mike Myers) and his neurotic donkey pal (reprised by Eddie Murphy) are upstaged by the resplendent Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas).

Shrek and Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) are on their honeymoon. The sequences in which they gambol through scenic spots are a great send-up of all the corny montages of live-action movies.

The first film had similar moments, but Shrek 2 takes things a step further with an homage to From Here to Eternity. But that nod is then turned on its ear with another cinematic reference that takes a jab at Disney animation. Viewers also will have fun catching Shrek 2's mini-tributes to Spider-Man, The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings and Charlie's Angels.

Returning from their romantic idyll, Shrek and Princess Fiona are summoned by Fiona's parents, the king and queen of the Kingdom of Far, Far Away (a fairy-tale version of Beverly Hills). Donkey cannot resist tagging along and whining most of the way. John Cleese and Julie Andrews are pitch-perfect as the royal couple who are taken aback when they learn that their princess has married an ogre and become one, too. Andrews' Queen Lillian has a dignified, kindly air, while the curmudgeonly King Harold immediately locks horns with Shrek.

The king had plans for Fiona's future, enlisting the aid of the megalomaniac Fairy Godmother (Jennifer Saunders). She had designs on the royal title herself, involving her foppish son Prince Charming (a very funny Rupert Everett).

The king also calls upon famous ogre hunter Puss In Boots, but the courtly feline eventually joins forces with Shrek, much to Donkey's dismay.

The tabby cat with the fancy plumed hat has an exotic Spanish accent — and Banderas parodies his earlier role as Zorro. But Puss is a cute kitty when he wants to get his way in scenes that prompt a theater-full of "awwws." Such manipulation might have seemed cloying if Puss were not equally adept at clawing when the need arises. His funniest bit is a role in a wild take-off of TV's Cops.

As in the original, Shrek 2's musical score is first-rate, with songs by Counting Crows and Tom Waits, as well as retooled old hits. And the computer animation is gorgeous.

A high-spirited, fun-filled comedy adventure, Shrek 2 probably will emerge as summer's best family film. (PG for some crude humor, a brief substance reference and some suggestive content. Opens in many theaters at midnight tonight, Wednesday nationwide.)

I really liked her review and am looking forward to a nice family movie where both my kids and I can giggle and laugh.

I probably should have posted this in the up-coming movies...but since it's opening tomorrow....weeeell...I'm hoping others will post your opinons about it after they see the movie.

I am dying to see this.... although, I am not looking forward to going to work. It's going to be HELL!!!!! Shows are already sold out and people will be showing up way before the theater even opens its doors. Lord help me.

I'm also dying to see this seque; I've heard nothing but good reviews about this film. My kids are waiting for us to go. Funny how these actors play great animation, I loved the humour in the first one. Eddie Murphy has transcended his enormouly funny persona through this donkey, if this makes any sense. He seems to break through in animation it's funny because in Haunted Mansion he seems to still not have the charasmatic quality that he once had in his earlier movies from the eighties. I still believe in Eddie Murphy as a great funny man. Great review! Aniko!
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Tessio: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

Antonio is the main reason I want to check this one out. Thanks dearie.
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Thanks Annie... I'm looking forward to this one...
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I ate all your bees.
Dang, Its not until 17/6/2004 that Shrek 2 will be released in Australia. 'The Punisher' has not even been released yet....
I'm a quitter, I come from a long line of quitters....Its amazing I'm here at all.

My daughters have made it well known that we must go see this. I do not want them to know I want to see it just as bad. They have to do some extra work around the house for ticket money, but if they knew I was just as excited they may want me to do eome extra work too.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

its a dog eat dog world
i say shrek 2 yesterday, it was funny as the first in my opinioun, but i guess everybody thought as i did, cuz the theater was full. it has everything in a tastful mix to satisfy everybody, comidy, romance, sad moments, happy moments.

saw it this morning and it's a riot..this one mainly spoofs movies, the movie industry and hollywood
very little to do with disney this time..the jokes are all adult but the kids will enjoy the film as well...

Put me in your pocket...
Thanks everyone for your responses. I appreciate it.

Originally Posted by susan
saw it this morning and it's a riot..this one mainly spoofs movies, the movie industry and hollywood
very little to do with disney this time..the jokes are all adult but the kids will enjoy the film as well...
I'm glad you liked it susan.

We saw Shrek 2 on Friday and I was alot of fun. My parents liked it as much as the kids. I’m sure the kids will be asking for this whenever it comes out on DVD.

Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy were once again fun to listen too...and much was made of Antonio Banderas’ ‘Puss in Boots’ role....and he is wonderful (the kitty was adorable) ....but for me, the person who stole the show was Jennifer Saunders. She was perfect as the duplicitous Fairy Godmother who had an agenda. She slipped from sweetie pie to shrewish and manipulative very easily....I loved her voice.

As you mentioned susan...props to the send off of other movies, Hollywood, Joan Rivers and McDonalds. Most jokes would go over the heads of the little ones and the tweener’s got some of it (they especially giggled at the scene where the Fairy Godmother buys Prince Charming a Happy Meal).....but most of the jokes were a treat for the adults.

I think the first Shrek was a little was fresh when it first came out and has it’s originally going for it, but Shrek 2 was a nice continuation of the story...and had some very snappy lines, even more sight gags, terrific voices and was just plain entertaining. Ultimately, Shrek 2 was a fun time out with the family and sometimes that’s just what the spirit smile and be in a good mood by the end.

Small tip to anyone who hasn't seen it....
.......stay after the credits. Donkey has a surprise coming to him.

Thanks Annie, I can't wait for it to come out here.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

This movie surprised me on how much more I liked it than the first one. And it also suprised me when I ended up liking Puss n' Boots more than Shrek, or even. . .JOHN CLEESE! the god of humor that he is was upstaged by a cat. . .it just doesn't happen folks, except for in Shrek 2. I love the little movie homages too. As in Indiana Jones: the Temple of Doom, Alien, Wizard of Oz and Spiderman. The gingerbread man also steals the movie along with Banderas (the cat). I give it a. . .

*** 1/2/****
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Put me in your pocket...'re welcome. When does it come out by you?

Originally Posted by Yoda
Any volunteers to write a Shrek 2 review for the site, out of curiousity?
The next few weeks are going to be really busy for me with work and other I won't have the time to write a worthy review of this. My brain is mush at the

...Anyone else interested in writing a review?

Yoda...have you seen it?

Originally Posted by Aniko
Yoda...have you seen it?
I have, but have been preoccupied with work and other offline matters lately. If no one's able to by this weekend, though, I'll probably go ahead and write one anyway.

I saw Shrek 2 twice now. To me it's much better than the first one. I especially loved all the spoofs, such as the Cops spoof entitled Knights. I am looking forward to seeing Shrek 3
and Shrek 4 already.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Yoda
I'll probably go ahead and write one anyway.
I just read your review Yoda...I loved it. You gave some nice insights.

And, I also hope Banderas sticks around for Shrek 3.