watch movie before you die?


Welcome to the human race...
Tropic Thunder established that Forrest Gump was not a "full retard".

Also, if I have a brain I'll understand why 21 is so good?. Then there's this quote...

okey I think i need to explain my choices!
...which is followed by...

5. taken - do i even need to explain?! it's simply awesome...

First of all, nice people don't use the wrod retarted to describe a person.

Second, he wasn't retarded, he was slow-witted. He had a low IQ, which is not the same as a mental handicap.

Third, based on your post, I'd say you and Forrest have a few things in common.

That may have taken it a bit too far...

"He has all the time in the world ... "
For example ... watch Dead Alive, A.K.A Brain Dead. It's one of Peter Jackson's first films ...
I'm with you on Braindead, I watched this more or less when it was released. It's a modern classic of the genre.

and what do you mean by that?

Well, that confirms that.

This thread is pointless.

okey I think i need to explain my choices!
I know not everyone thinks the same, this is what I think!

1. forrest gump - first of all, Tom Hanks playing a retard how is soooo epic in life! and second it's from 1994
2. titanic - the love between Jack and Rose is so beautiful and it's based on a true story!
3. the notebook - Never cried as much in my whole life!
4. pay it forward - it's a true story and to just think about it, a little kid wants to make the world to a better place! and to actually go from thinking to making is incredible. and the knowledge that he died because of his goodness is just sad!
5. taken - do i even need to explain?! it's simply awesome...
6. dirty dancing - Patrick swayze dancing.. shirt less.. any straight women will enjoy that!
7. 21 - if you have a brain you will understand why it's so good!
8. all harry potter movies - I grew up with them, my father read them to me and my brother every single night and I saw all of them in the cinema!
9 all bourne movies - most people don't like matt damond, but i do and he is incredible in bourne.
10. All star wars movies - I thought they where crappy, with no real story. but then me and my brother had a star wars marathon and oh how wrong i was!

just want to add two more
1. Brokeback mountain - the sexual tension!
2. Into the wild - I don't have a reason, love everything with it!
Lol,you must be joking,man.

there are just so many movies that I think it would take another life time fore me to watch them before i die

#1 Titanic
#2 Independence Day
#3 Jurrasic Park
#4 Forrest Gump
#5 Dirty Dancing
#6 Old Yeller
#7 The Net
#8 E.T. (Extra Terrestrial)
#9 Speed
#10 The Lion King

I have number of list that I want to watch. some of them are
Seven Year Itch
The Blues Brother
The Matrix
Monsters SA
The Red Shoes
and many more
Best Movies 2012

at least one movie made by the following directors:

F.F.Coppola,S.Kubrick,M.Scorsese,A.Kurosawa,I.Bergman,A.Tarkovsky,Q.Tarantino,C. Chaplin,C.Eastwood,S.Leone,S.Spielberg,W.Allen,O.Stone,A.Hitchcock,F.Fellini,R.Polanski,O.Welles,Joh n Ford,Frank Capra.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'd choose 'Modern Times Forever', which is 240 hours long. Thanks to this I'd live 10 days more.

In no real order.

Eternal Sunshine
Donnie Darko
The Usual Suspects
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Natural Born Killers
To Kill A Mockingbird.

What do you guys think?

No Specific Order

1. I Am Legend
2. V for Vendetta
3. Inception
4. The Matrix Saga
5. Titanic
6. Batman the Dark Knight Rises
7. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
8. Catch Me If You Can
9. The A Team
10. 28 Days Later

Registered User
A few must watch movies are Taken, Baby's Day out, Dirty Dancing, Dance with Me, Titanic, Romeo, Spiderman1, Mrs Doubtfire, Pretty Woman, Lake House.

Right if I had to give a list of 10 for everyone to watch I'd probably go something like this for a mixture of reasons:

Pulp Fiction - Just awesome, so much fun from Tarantino

The Wizard of Oz - If you haven't seen this at least once in your life I think then there's something seriously wrong.

North by Northwest - I had to include a Hitchcock film in here, if I was going by film quality I'd plump for something like Vertigo or Psycho, but North by Northwest is a less serious, more of a fun, thriller type of film.

The Big Lebowski - Probably my favourite comedy of all time, if you haven't seen this then you're missing out, just so funny and a really feel good film shown through the Dude who everyone should love.

Raising Arizona - Another Coen Brothers' film after The Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona is not at the same standard but when you sit back and embrace the films goofy and bizarre style you should be able to enjoy this comedy classic.

The Lion King - There's loads of fantastic animations out there ranging from the classic Snow White film to the more modern Toy Story and Wall-E but growing up The Lion King was always the most memorable and enjoyable for me, if you haven't seen it then I'd be very surprised, such a lovable and great film.

Con Air - Now I can understand why people hate this but if you know me you'll know that I love this film. It's cheesy, over the top and for most of the time just so ridiculous but that's what it's supposed to be. Watch this film, sit back and enjoy what you see, always one of my favourite guilty pleasures.

Back to the Future Trilogy - I'm guessing most people would have seen these films but for those who haven't, why not? I always loved these films growing up, particularly the first two which are great films.

To Kill A Mockingbird - Watch this film for it's human message and issues that it deals with, racism, prejudice etc. A fantastic film that will touch everyone that watches it. Other great similar style films are The Grapes of Wrath and 12 Angry Men.

Pan's Labyrinth - Fantasy films don't get much better than this, Del Toro manages to create a brutal yet beautiful world with some magical imaginary and fantastic creatures, a must for any fantasy fan.