Bad accent=Bad acting


Bug Planet Proximus
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Will you learn some manners if it does...

You are seriously starting to get on my nerves… contrary to your popular belief, people are allowed their own opinions with out you coming along to tell them how wrong they are just because their opinion does not agree with your own…

And just for the record, I didn't see anything in Sedai's post about Pacino's total performance... just that his accent was bad... and it was.
ffwwooaahh!! put those claws away, kitty.
it seems i am being misinterpreted by a lot of people. i dont mean to look down on people and their opinions as inferior, say what you want. I just respond like that so to get my point across, there is no black and white about a topic such as movies, everyone's different. In this case i think the more 'human' way to have responded would have been.
"i am contrary to your opinion of the movie scarface because i personally feel as an individual that it was a good movie and was accomplished with an exceptional performance by the actor Al Pacino, hence a good accent."(good acting=good accent)

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
On Halle Berry:

This is a weird conspiracy theory of mine, and I formed this partially because I too didn't like her all that much in Monsters Ball, or the movie Monsters Ball itseld. In any event, not worthy of an award. back to the theory, maybe the academy rigged it, or gave it away so that it would be given to two black actors along with Sidney Poitier. I mean, Denzel and Sidney DID deserve the awards, but Halle Berry? No two black actors have ever won in the same year. Very few black actors have ever won period (although several deserved to win, but the Academy rarely notices a good thing until it has passed). And to have two in the same year Sidney gets the Honorary achievment award ( I think thats what it was) for being the first black actor to win Best Actor, not to mention his numerous great performances and films? Just too many coincidences for me. No disrespect to black actors. God knows I think that their talent isn't recognized enough. Take Forest Whitaker for example. One of my all time favorite actors and in my mind one of the best. Number of academy wins, no wait, nominations? NONE. But Halle Berry? Come on. Is it just my paranoia setting in, or is this a possibility?
It wouldn't really surprise me.

Denzel didn't deserve it that year. Russell Crowe did. Denzel deserved it previously for Malcolm X.

But the Academy tend to do a lot of that "reward them later on" stuff.

Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York= poor accent

The worst accent ever is not in a movie- it's Ms. Cleo

Originally Posted by filmfreak
What about Sean Connery?

Not for the bad acting but the accents. The guy can only do Scottish! His Scottish-Russian in Red October and his Scottish-Spanish in Highlander are perfect examples. That said he is a fantastic actor. Can't do accents that's all.
Don't forget his Scottish-Irish in The Untouchables.

Worst. Accent. Ever.

Originally Posted by Erratic Behavior
Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York= poor accent
I agree.

I think actors (who aren't from Ireland) take a very big risk if they try and pull off an Irish accent.
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2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
any of the main actors in Dances With Wolves.
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

A novel adaptation.
Angelina Jolie in Alexander.

Even if it were properly executed, it wouldn't really make sense.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

The People's Republic of Clogher
I might have a vested interest but Irish accents in films often fascinate me. Some of the worst include:

Julia Roberts - Mary Reilly and Michael Collins (she never learns)

Mickey Rourke - A Prayer For the Dying (spending some time amongst Belfast's gangsters and having Irish ancestry doesnt seem to have helped. Bonus points to the movie for Bob Hoskins' SAS priest, though)

Tommy Lee Jones - Blown Away (he should have been)

De Caprio - Titanic and Gangs of New York (same accent in both films and about as animated as my sideboard)

Tom Cruise - Far and Away (does this need a comment?)

I won't include Sir Sean's turn in The Untouchables as he doesn't seem to have even attempted an accent.

This works both ways, of course, witness Steven Rea's woeful French accent in Interview With the Vampire.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Originally Posted by Tacitus
De Caprio - Titanic and Gangs of New York (same accent in both films and about as animated as my sideboard)
Di Caprio's accent in Titanic was Irish? I thought he was just doing his normal accent, wasn't his character from America?

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Parky
Di Caprio's accent in Titanic was Irish? I thought he was just doing his normal accent, wasn't his character from America?
You're right, he plays an American artist. Lord knows why I got it into my head that he was Irish.

Please don't make me watch Titanic again to check the accent!

I am having a nervous breakdance
Tacitus, what do you, as an Irishman, think about Brad Pitt's accent in Snatch? Both me and my sister have lived in Ireland but we disagree on this one. She thinks his accent is dead on, while I think it's sloppy as hell. Do you have an opinion on this one?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Can I have a say as an American? There are Americans with sloppy grammer and they murder the English language everytime they open their mouth. I think Brad Pitt was trying to be an Irishman who doesn't waste his time with formalities. I liked it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
Tacitus, what do you, as an Irishman, think about Brad Pitt's accent in Snatch? Both me and my sister have lived in Ireland but we disagree on this one. She thinks his accent is dead on, while I think it's sloppy as hell. Do you have an opinion on this one?
It ain't the worst - but then all the accent called for was a standard 'lovable Oirish tinker' approach, and the travelling community over here have rather unique accents anyway (a jumbled up mish-mash of Northern and Southern dialects) so Pitt's accent being a bit fluid is actually semi-accurate.

I think he just about pulls it off, more by luck than judgement, but wouldn't want to bet on him being able to handle a more 'traditional' accent.

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Originally Posted by Tacitus
I think he just about pulls it off, more by luck than judgement, but wouldn't want to bet on him being able to handle a more 'traditional' accent.
That's what I think. He got away with it because it was appropriate for the character to be sloppy.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by 2wrongs
That's what I think. He got away with it because it was appropriate for the character to be sloppy.
I'm gonna turn the tables now - do you think Colin Farrell can handle an American accent? I think he does it better than most....

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike're asking the wrong person because I despise him. I think he's a horrible actor. HOWEVER: I thought he did an accent well in the film Phone Booth. Which is the only movie I really liked him in.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I don't have much of a view on him either (he's brilliant in a little Irish movie called Intermission, however, playing a similar character to Pitt's in Snatch but nastier) but it struck me that he's always had a pretty good American accent.

Thanks anyway.

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Hey, no problem! Just for the record, I love Irish accents. As far as lovliness goes, they're next to only Austrailian accents, but Irish is number one.