Martin Scorsese's The Irishman


Oh okay, I just thought with a big name like Scorsese, and with a star like De Niro, he could have gotten someone other bigger movie company to finance it.
Netflix is huge now. Their movies are no joke. At least not anymore. I consider 2018 to be the year Netflix has entered a whole new era and climbed onto the bigger stage. Bird Box was a huge hit worldwide. Even though I personally did not enjoy the movie, but Roma has just won Academy Awards and was up for Best Picture. Both films were produced, released, and streamed by Netflix. Soon, every major film maker will be making a movie with Netflix. Scorsese is the first of these major film makers to do it. Others will follow.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

This might just do nobody any good.
Oh okay, I just thought with a big name like Scorsese, and with a star like De Niro, he could have gotten some other bigger movie company, that was capable of theatrical releases, to finance it.
Well, he can and is for his next movie...

The teaser looks very netflixy.....their marketing team is all shock value.
"Irishman is a gangster movie...whats the first thing that comes into mind about gangsters ? guns and lets use bullets to highlight the whole cast of the movie" felt so cheap and gimmicky.

Must be doin sumthin right
The teaser makes me think they're scared of showing what the results of the de-aging effects look like. Even Thelma Schoonmaker in a recent interview seemed skeptical that they'd pull it off

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, I thought that Netflix has a hit movie once in a while but most of their original movies are ones that don't go on to win awards or anything it seems.

De-aging of who?

Welcome to the human race...
In fairness, most movies from other studios don't exactly go on to win awards either.

I would think it's to de-aging all the main actors (Pacino, De Niro, Pesci, Keitel), all of whom are at least in their 70s by now so it'll definitely be hard to pull it off convincingly. I remember when they did a Scarface videogame well over a decade ago where they had to get an impersonator to do Tony Montana's voice because Pacino himself sounded too old and hoarse, but then again this isn't exactly new (e.g. when Jimmy's introduced at the start of [i}Goodfellas[/i] he's supposed to be 28 but he's being played by a visibly 47-year-old De Niro).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, I didn't think they were de-aged digitally, I thought it was going to just all make up and hair dye lol.

Why didn't Scorsese either get different, younger actors, or embrace the ages of the actors he wanted to work with?

Welcome to the human race...
I assume it's because he considers any potentially uncanny de-aging an acceptable trade-off for getting to use these particular actors all the way through rather than settle for mere lookalikes. This makes more sense when considering that the age range in question doesn't sound too drastic (judging by the Wikipedia article they're going to be 70-somethings being de-aged "up to 30 years") but I guess we have to wait and see.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
30 years seems huge! I think that this de-aging thing might eventually get a negative light and people thinking of it as a gimmick, like 'blackface' or something like that.

Welcome to the human race...
I don't think it should be considered anywhere near as extreme as blackface (which isn't a gimmick anyway) - at worst it's a silly-looking special effect instead of a hate crime. In any case, I think it's been improving on a technical level over the years but it always has to clear the uncanny valley of making you accept that the character looks a vastly different age (which was already true of practical make-up that attempted to do the same thing anyway).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah that's true, perhaps blackface was too extreme of an example to compare it to. Actually a lot of people say that Daniel Craig is getting on the old side to play Bond now, so do you think they could keep him around longer if they digitally kept him the same age as he was in Casino Royale, say?

What a cast! It's looking like a must-see picture. Hopefully it's not the gore fest that some of us thought that Tarantio's "Hollywood" film would be...

30 years seems huge! I think that this de-aging thing might eventually get a negative light and people thinking of it as a gimmick, like 'blackface' or something like that.
Where is the outrage?! De-aging is taking away jobs from younger actors! By today's standards you can only play roles that fit your age, ableness, gender, race etc. De Niro should be a shamed with all his privilege. Tisk Tisk. I thought he cared for the little people!
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

I'm super excited! The trailer looks amazing! It's been a long long time since Scorsese has worked with Deniro and Pesci. Add Pacino to the mix, and you have an instant classic!

I want Fall to be here now!

I'm sure it's gonna be great, but nothing special about that trailer. I guess it's nice to see Mrs. Stackhouse is still working.

Heh heh @John-Connor very generous of you( as always).

Had been looking forward to this one but....well, I may be in the minority here, but from the trailer, this film looks like a disappointment to me. Sounded tantalizing-top notch director and actors - but looks like same old tired ground.

Well, you folks can have my share here; sorry, but there aren't enough skittles in the world