What Is The Most Disturbing Film?


The fire hydrent scene from Irreversible was fairly dirturbing. It gave me a strange, unpleasant tingly feeling inside.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
eraserhead,the shining,the descent,saw,the ring

Movie Forums Member
Requiem For A Dream.. I couldnt do anything for a few days after I saw that movie for the first time.

small part of a zombie horde
Cannibal Ferox.


American History X was pretty disturbing. The curb stomp, the shower scene, all of it was pretty disturbing. The Ring could be construed as disturbing, but that's because it scared the crap out of me!

Originally Posted by BobbyB
American History X was pretty disturbing. The curb stomp, the shower scene, all of it was pretty disturbing.
Just teeth alone touching stone gives me the shivers even without the stomp. Like nails on a chalkboard. Goosebums galore.

can i see it? please? why not!
I haven't seen Requiem For A Dream, but I'm gonna now.

I thought The Cell was pretty distrubing, though interesting the same.
i'm pretty sure i'm the best there ever was..
my not-so-great-but-im-working-on-it collection

Originally Posted by judas69
I thought The Cell was pretty distrubing, though interesting the same.

I detested the Cell.

I hate movies that has allot of material made up from the mind of a character in the film.

I'll have to go with Requiem For A Dream. The arm mole.... scary.
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude

Estatic Crack Addict
Deliverance or The (original) Shining
Helter Skelter retlekS retleH

Estatic Crack Addict
The Shining was just a trip, the old lady in the empty room or the twins...But Deliverance, that Banjo-playibg kid jus freaked me out, that kid just watched em go down the river from the bridge..WTF?! Kinda reminds me of Apocalypse Now when you see the rear-end of a plane's fuselage sticking out of the charred ground, but in a backwoods-redneck way.

Estatic Crack Addict
Originally Posted by mrblonde
eraserhead,the shining,the descent,saw,the ring
Id rather watch saw or House of 100 Corpses compared to the Shining.

Originally Posted by jumpin_joe
the Hills Have Eyes- ruthless tourture, rape, necrophilia, incest, pedophilia, sadisam

Are we talking about the original? I don't remember any ruthless torture, necrophilia, incest, pedophillia or sadism. Also, the rape wasn't even shown.

Either you're talking about the remake (which I've never seen), you're talking bullcrap, I have a bad memory, or my version is heavily cut.

Anyone ever seen HAPPINESS.....that movie was pretty disturbing.

demon to some - angel to others
"Men behind the Sun" is such a film for me.
Especially the scene where they capture that little boy just to cut
open his stomach and remove his entrails.. Or the scene where an
imprisoned person is forced into a pressure chamber and then his
bowels come out of his butt
That kinda made me loose my appetite for quite a while..

www.cenocide.de || my DVDs || see the dead end

The One and only one.
Most Disturbing movie would problaby be The Stendhal Syndrome. Weird movie.

Lost in never never land
It seems like some of the videos mentioned are just gross or scary, not truely disturbing. In my opinion A Clockwork Orange has to be the most disturbing movie of all time. Also Dreamers is a disturbing movie.

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
My list is realyl different. These are movies which are disturbing for personal reasons. The imagery may not be gross or unrelenting, but these are the movies which make me hurt the most emotionally, which I think is what disturbing is really all about.

5. The Accused

Not the entire movie. But that scene where Jodie Foster is raped scared me. The way all of the men in the group bent to the group will was the worst part for me.

4. Old Yeller

Listen, I know it's not disturbing in a traditional way. But I sob at the end. Every time. I am misty eyed just thinking of it.

3. Birth of a Nation

What startled me was how well this film was made. It bothers me everytime I think about it.

2. Kids

Wow. This movie was intense. Intense.

1. Munich

I was unsettled for the longest time after seeing this movie. It was just hard to watch. It resonated hard for me. It is rare for me to spend so much energy jsut reeling from a movie.