The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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I must admit it's a damn shame that we are going to make Robin Williams have 0 appearances on this countdown. A damn shame.
I'm betting on Dead Poet Society making it. I'm not betting any actual money though

Heathers is a movie I really laughed at, and rooted for Winona in, 'cause I love me some Winona! And Christian Slater pretty much stole the show. "Greetings and salutations."

Harold and Maude is one I still need to see. I've seen the opening with the fake suicides but I want to watch the whole thing. I'll be looking out for this one!

Still, a no-go from me today.

My list:
#4.The In-Laws
#18.Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Heathers was good enough for the first two acts to keep me interested in the characters, but it was the climax that amazed me. And when you forget you;re watching an actor, that's when you know the actor is special. In this case, I forgot Winona Ryder was Winona Ryder in this. All I saw was Veronica. 84/100.

Harold and Maude was a true testament to the absurdities and awkwardness of those who think outside the box, and the beautiful stories that come along when those kinds of people meet. The two titual characters are practically opposites, and through that they find that they get along enough for a romance. 87/100.

Seen 36/56

I forgot the opening line.
For those who are making comparisons with Harold and Maude and Wes Anderson's work - nothing shows up how much Wes loves that movie than him getting Bud Cort to appear in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou for one of his best post-Harold parts :

I'm betting on Dead Poet Society making it. I'm not betting any actual money though
That movie is 100% the right amount of "not completely or exclusively a comedy" for this countdown. It's a certainty.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Latest Review : Mona Lisa (1986)

I'm betting on Dead Poet Society making it. I'm not betting any actual money though
...That movie is 100% the right amount of "not completely or exclusively a comedy" for this countdown. It's a certainty.
...And it's something I don't really like so there's another reason why it will make the countdown

46. Heathers (1989) - I really like Heathers. Didn't make my list but it's a quality film.

45. Harold and Maude (1971) - was my #19. Essential viewing. A bit of a strange film but proper black comedy - Love it when Harols breaks the fourth wall, there's something chillingly amusing about his demeanour.

Operation Dumbo Drop and Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo...?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Welcome to the human race...
One vote. Heathers was my #8 - I put it on my recent top 100 and definitely consider it an enjoyably acerbic exercise in teen angst bullsh*t. Harold and Maude didn't make my list - it made a couple of my top 100s but not the most recent one. It might have edged in at the end of my ballot, but it didn't.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Dead Poets isn't making it.
I love, love, love Dead Poets Society, but it's not a comedy at all. Despite what imdb is trying to tell me! It wouldn't make any sense for it to be on the list.

I must admit it's a damn shame that we are going to make Robin Williams have 0 appearances on this countdown. A damn shame.
Mrs. Doubtfire got snubbed
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

There have also not yet been movies featuring Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, Woody Allen, The Marx Brothers, or Cary Grant, to name a handful of other comedy superstars. Doesn't mean they aren't still coming higher on the list.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
There have also not yet been movies featuring Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, or Cary Grant, to name a few other comedy superstars.
Cary Grant had Arsenic And Old Lace early on.

I must admit it's a damn shame that we are going to make Robin Williams have 0 appearances on this countdown. A damn shame.
Aladdin is a comedy, right?

For those who are making comparisons with Harold and Maude and Wes Anderson's work - nothing shows up how much Wes loves that movie than him getting Bud Cort to appear in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou for one of his best post-Harold parts...