Adele Pregnant


Have I missed something in here... what has Winter said that's soooooooooo rude/harsh?

I didn't say it like that! :P I just said it was rude to point something so obvious like adele never being able to tell that she's pregnant. That's all.

I just said it was rude to point something so obvious like adele never being able to tell that she's pregnant.
You go sister!

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Like she has never heard fat jokes before?

She'll cry in her Whopper.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

I only make fat jokes about Adele because her opinions on health are hilarious. She thinks people who work out are pathetic, not bodybuilders, but just simply people in general. There's a number of other retarded things she thinks akin to this.

Where have you read that?

My girlfriend bought a Cosmo featuring an interview with her
You have a Girlfriend? lol!

You have a Girlfriend? lol!
What's the lol for? Many lulz to be had because WT has a girl?

And it said that she doesn't like working out or keeping healthy?

She made fun of anyone trying to be healthy under the assumption no one enjoys eating well or keeping fit over a number of statements and always went back to "I'm a musician" as her defense, and, well, that statement's just debatable.

Oh well. That's just stupid. Healthy foods kick ass and she's crazy if she's going to just accept that when her weight could kill the fetus.

"I'm a musician" as her defense, and, well, that statement's just debatable.
Debatable hey! She has more talent in her orifices than you!

Because you've heard all my music before

He was being sarcastic lol, I think!

He was being sarcastic lol, I think!
I was too. Orifices can read differently than you think.. lol!

But if she's happy, how is she going to write all those annoying songs?
She said she wants to right happy ones
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.