Transformers: Age of Extinction Worldwide Collection


As per the sources worldwide collection of the movie Transformers: Age of Extinction crossed the mark of $592,166,140 and it becomes highest grossing movie ever in China.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I am yet to see this but I have heard it is rubbish, so I will wait until it is reduced in price.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

17% on RT saying "With the fourth installment in Michael Bay's blockbuster Transformers franchise, nothing is in disguise: Fans of loud, effects-driven action will find satisfaction, and all others need not apply"

32/100 on Meta

New York post called it "rusty"

Hollywood Reporter said "3 hours of bad one-liners"

New York Daily Mail gave 1/5

Rolling Stone said "the worst and most worthless Transformers movie yet" and gave it a whopping 0/4

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Can't wait to see this! Looks awesome!

This movie is not that bad guys.

Two things; most of the people watching these films are 10-20 years old and most of those people don't care if it's good as long as there's action and "regular" people don't care what critics say. In fact, most non film geeks actually hate critics, in my experience.

China is suing Transformers 4... Again.

However, it's also taken more in China than it has in the US, so I guess they're getting what they wanted.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I may have to read some critic's reviews of summer blockbusters as ironic from now on. "It was very noisy and filled with rapidly moving figures my tired old eyes could barely discern doing terrible damage to the environment. I stood and waved my cane at the screen, screaming for robot dinosaurs to get off the lawn but to no avail. Then two 30 year old whipper-snappers shushed me and I hunkered back in my seat, defeated by the tides of time and my own aching back... 0 stars"...
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
I may have to read some critic's reviews of summer blockbusters as ironic from now on. "It was very noisy and filled with rapidly moving figures my tired old eyes could barely discern doing terrible damage to the environment. I stood and waved my cane at the screen, screaming for robot dinosaurs to get off the lawn but to no avail. Then two 30 year old whipper-snappers shushed me and I hunkered back in my seat, defeated by the tides of time and my own aching back... 0 stars"...
Well, I'm in the whippersnapper generation and I still think it was overly long and noisy. I like dumb blockbusters as much as the next guy but Extinction really overdid the action scenes.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Two things; most of the people watching these films are 10-20 years old and most of those people don't care if it's good as long as there's action and "regular" people don't care what critics say. In fact, most non film geeks actually hate critics, in my experience.
hey don't be dissin on 10-20 year olds because I'm in that age group lol. Have you seen the movies I've been watching? I feel like such a movie snob lol
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

China is suing again? Whats this about Didnt they film most of the film there??
I think someone's suing because they didn't use their logo or it isn't on screen long enough (there was a contract which stated how long it had to be onscreen for) and the other one is to do with the world premier not being held at a specific place/hotel.

Still, I'm sure it's all minor stuff compared to being one of the Western films allowed to show there (especially as it's currently beating the US take) and the tax breaks I'm sure they received.

hey don't be dissin on 10-20 year olds because I'm in that age group lol. Have you seen the movies I've been watching? I feel like such a movie snob lol
I was waiting for this. That's why I said "most." And, I'm sorry, but you can't disagree in that assessment; how many of your friends/schoolmates/peers hit up the art house theater?

I was waiting for this. That's why I said "most." And, I'm sorry, but you can't disagree in that assessment; how many of your friends/schoolmates/peers hit up the art house theater?
haha its true. Most of my friends thought the red dawn remake was good and I was just like

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I think someone's suing because they didn't use their logo or it isn't on screen long enough (there was a contract which stated how long it had to be onscreen for) and the other one is to do with the world premier not being held at a specific place/hotel.

Still, I'm sure it's all minor stuff compared to being one of the Western films allowed to show there (especially as it's currently beating the US take) and the tax breaks I'm sure they received.
The dreaded product placement

I can understand why it makes so much money, people wanna see Transformers go at it, who doesn't? I just can't understand why Edge of Tomorrow, another summer popcorn film this year, makes just over budget and this Michael Bay wet dream gets half billion? Edge of Tomorrow is a superior film on every level.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Being released amongst a batch of adaptations, sequels and reboots + public hatred of Tom Cruise = box-office disappointment.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."