What is your all-time boring films list?


Here you can share or post movie titles (with corresponding year of release or cover/poster, if possible) that you've seen or tried watching but got disappointed afterwards. If you can state the reason why you find that film boring, the better. Also, you can share movie titles you love when you were a kid but now find boring when you became a grownup. Our tastes evolve too, you know. What might be 'great' to us when we were kids might be 'crap' or 'garbage' now that we've grown.

a boring movie for me was "The Sixth Sense"... Went to the drive-in theatre to see it... I was bored out of my mind...

a boring movie for me was "The Sixth Sense"... Went to the drive-in theatre to see it... I was bored out of my mind...
I agree ! completely agree
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Go Agead, Make My Day

Killing Them Softley 2012, The one and only time I left the cinema before the movie ends, Brad Pitt is an actor I respect though

Henry & June 1990, I really love Kevin Spacey & Uma Thurman, but this movie was really boring to me
“Violence is one of the most fun things to watch” Quentin Tarantino

To start things off, I will list some movies I can quickly remember. Please bear in mind that my list is subjective as it may be boring to ME, but not to you. (If I've indicated a wrong year for a specific film, feel free to correct me. Made-for-TV movies might also be here in my list.)

Forbidden Planet (1956)
Mary Poppins (1964)
Scared To Death (aka Syngenor) (1980-81)
Yentyl (1983)
Monster Dog (1985)
Future Cop (1985)
White Nights (1985)
The Hours (2002)
Chicago (2002)
The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
How To Deal (2003)
House Of The Dead (2003)
Hellraiser 7 - Deader (2005)
Pride And Prejudice (2005)
Hide And Seek (2005)
Boogeyman (2005)
Pandorum (2009)
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Parts 1 & 2
The Nutcracker - The Untold Story (2011)
John Carter (2012)
Beautiful Creatures (2013)

Hi, Mark. AEGEAN is something I've seen from a recent dream of mine. I'm not sure though if I've spelled it right, but in the dream I was walking towards our house at nighttime when I noticed the skies. Up there I saw what I think are lights that formed a word. The word was written upside down or vertically, I think, then it rotated so I can read it.

I chose the word AEGEAN as my username just so to remember it.

Go Agead, Make My Day
I didn't hate "Meet Joe Black". I thought the story was interesting, but I thought the movie was slow and boring.
thanks for replying in a civilized way, someone else woulde've attacked me for having a different openion

I actually love White Nights.. its one of my favorites from the 1980's. But then again... Mikhail is amazing dancer... Gregory is a great one too.. but not as good as Mikhail.

Pride and Prejudice is in my top 5 English speaking films.. I love historical books made into movies..... especially romantic ones... Matthew MacFayden is an amazing actor...

I enjoy John Carter

a boring movie for me was "The Sixth Sense"... Went to the drive-in theatre to see it... I was bored out of my mind...
Yeah, I agree. The Sixth Sense bored me too. I've seen it first back in 2000, but never bothered to buy it on DVD until 2013 when it was on sale. Perhaps it's the newness of M.Night Shymalan that made it a box-office hit though, as claimed by himself.

Two movies that immediately came to my mind are "Out of Africa" and "Meet Joe Black".
Yeah, Out Of Africa.... (1985). Correct me if I'm wrong but did this movie won some Oscars? Not much into Meryl Streep, you see.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
thanks for replying in a civilized way, someone else woulde've attacked me for having a different openion

Everyone's entitled to their opinions. That's why there are so many different types of movies.