What are your 2024 movie/show watching goals?


My plan is to watch no less than 400, making plenty of room for series which i hope to watch no less than 20. More if their short 1 or 2 seasoners. I guess i'm turning into a telephile, but some shows have artistic merit rising to film levels, it's a debate i see happening, or has been happening, i being not a debater open it up to see if our community would like to argue here, with me munching on some popcorn.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What's there to argue about? Many people like watching tv series and so don't have time for movies. Some have time for both and some like me only watch movies and old tv series like Star Trek. Everyone should enjoy watching what they like.

I don’t want to make it all numerical. Watch slightly less commercial rubbish and more Greats. I have a massive backlog of films that require more patience and commitment than I’ve got in me now, so hoping to finally indulge in those.

The rest I leave to chance. Hope to spend as much time here as I do now as it’s a great community. I’m taking a career break due to burnout, so should be manageable. Here’s to calm contemplation of all things film.

What's there to argue about? Many people like watching tv series and so don't have time for movies. Some have time for both and some like me only watch movies and old tv series like Star Trek. Everyone should enjoy watching what they like.

To understand the many ways different people think differently about these things.

Even not convincing anyone that we are correct is better than just shrugging our shoulders and learning nothing because it's just 'all opinons' and 'everyone is equally right'

Watch all the movies and tv series ive bought outright on Amazon Prime that I still havent seen yet.

Trouble with a capital "T"
To understand the many ways different people think differently about these things.

Even not convincing anyone that we are correct is better than just shrugging our shoulders and learning nothing because it's just 'all opinons' and 'everyone is equally right'
Arguing about it, nah too negative. Debating, better...but still it suggests that one's viewpoint is more valid than than another's. Discussing...yes that's the way to go: It's non-confrontational and respects an individuals right to choose what they watch.

Going for 120 movies next year and hoping to get a dent into the Best Picture winners that I haven't seen.

Many people like watching tv series and so don't have time for movies.
I know the kind.

My main goal for 2024 is to find at least 3 masterpieces. Low standards but 2023 was pretty bad masterpiece-wise, with only 8-10 masterpieces depending on criteria. In comparison, I watched 23+ masterpieces in 2022.

My secondary goal for 2024 is to do some rewatches as I'm still very bad with rewatching movies.

There's also the question of what to make with/of my life besides movies. Do I want to try something else? The intuitive instant response is a 'no' but maybe I should think a little bit more about it?
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...My secondary goal for 2024 is to do some rewatches as I'm still very bad with rewatching movies.
I'm not big on constantly rewatching movies over and over, like some do. That seems like a waste of my movie watching time. But rewatching something that I've seen once and long ago is often rewarding. Especially if it's a film that I had a strong opinion about, one way or another.
There's also the question of what to make with/of my life besides movies. Do I want to try something else? The intuitive instant response is a 'no' but maybe I should think a little bit more about it?
You should think more about it while you're still young and have options. I almost waited too long to find someone special and if fate hadn't smiled on me I'd be a hermit held up in a cave somewhere

Especially if it's a film that I had a strong opinion about, one way or another.
Yeah, there are a few masterpieces I'd genuinely want to rewatch. And a few films I wasn't crazy about that I owe a rewatch. If anything, I also want to rewatch films to remind myself of what cinema is capable of. New movies rarely amaze me anymore, and when they do, they do it in different ways than the movies I had watched years ago.
You should think more about it while you're still young and have options. I almost waited too long to find someone special and if fate hadn't smiled on me I'd be a hermit held up in a cave somewhere
I was thinking about branching out to TV series and/or literature, but OK. Anyway, I don't really have that many options. I lost somebody "special", tried once more and now it's been years of inertia and I'm no longer as enthusiastic about the whole thing. I lost all willingness, too, and I feel good. Everybody's telling me the same thing about finding a girl, marrying, and having kids, but I observe other people and I don't think they're as happy as I am. Looks like their relationships are seriously impairing them in many ways with little trade-off. It also seems like most men just settle for the first girl who doesn't say 'no' to them, which in retrospect makes them all look like a bunch of desperate opportunists. (Though the wolf kind is even worse.) I can't get what I want so I resolved it's better to not have anything.

I imagine if you always were among people you'd feel lonely etc. but I never was among people so I know no loneliness.

Trouble with a capital "T"
[quote=Mr Minio;2430594]...
I was thinking about branching out to TV series and/or literature, but OK.[/qoute]TV series, meh. I mean I've watched a few and they can get a person hooked especially if one feels compelled to watch the whole damn series...Then next year there's yet another season of it to watch. Best to expand into literature.

Anyway, I don't really have that many options. I lost somebody "special", tried once more and now it's been years of inertia and I'm no longer as enthusiastic about the whole thing. I lost all willingness, too, and I feel good. Everybody's telling me the same thing about finding a girl, marrying, and having kids, but I observe other people and I don't think they're as happy as I am. Looks like their relationships are seriously impairing them in many ways with little trade-off. It also seems like most men just settle for the first girl who doesn't say 'no' to them, which in retrospect makes them all look like a bunch of desperate opportunists. (Though the wolf kind is even worse.) I can't get what I want so I resolved it's better to not have anything.

I imagine if you always were among people you'd feel lonely etc. but I never was among people so I know no loneliness.
If you feel good and you're happy, then that's all that really counts. We are all made differently, so if you can find what suits you the best, then that's the way to go.

Arguing about it, nah too negative.
Arguing is just debating with passion. I'm pro passion.

Debating, better...but still it suggests that one's viewpoint is more valid than than another's.

Hate to break it to you but some opinions are better than others.

Or are we going to pretend that some 14 year old absent mindedly watching Citizen Kane while flipping through their phone has an opinion that is no better or worse than Roger Ebert giving lecturing on the film, frame by frame, weaving in his personal experiences, and knowledge of film history, and drawing our attention to how Welles revolutionalized film grammar? In this extreme example, are the takes of these two individuals equally valid? I would hope no one would argue (eek!) this.

And if so, this attitude that just because its art we can't distinguish between who has valuable contributions in a discussion, and who doesn't have a single solitary thought in their head, is completely nauseating.

Discussing...yes that's the way to go: It's non-confrontational and respects an individuals right to choose what they watch.

What is it with trying to sand off all the sharp edges that comes with debate? How desperate are people to keep their terrible opinions unfettered from confrontation? And why? Does thinking hurt? Again, I would hope not (hint: it doesn't)

And how does debate not respect what an individual chooses to watch? All it does is open forum to engage with what people have to say about what they do or don't like. It doesn't tell them to change their opinion. It doesn't tell them to watch anything than what they damn well please. It's simply the affirmation that we watched something, it made us feel, it made us think (I would hope)

And in these unfortunate cases where someone doesn't feel like they have anything particularly valuable to say, well,maybe actually engaging in conversation that isn't lazy and full of empty back patting might bring an end to their lack of ever having anything to contribute. Which isn't a negative. People having things to say benefits everybody, including those people.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Arguing is just debating with passion. I'm pro passion.

Hate to break it to you but some opinions are better than others.

Or are we going to pretend that some 14 year old absent mindedly watching Citizen Kane while flipping through their phone has an opinion that is no better or worse than Roger Ebert giving lecturing on the film, frame by frame, weaving in his personal experiences, and knowledge of film history, and drawing our attention to how Welles revolutionalized film grammar? In this extreme example, are the takes of these two individuals equally valid? I would hope no one would argue (eek!) this.

And if so, this attitude that just because its art we can't distinguish between who has valuable contributions in a discussion, and who doesn't have a single solitary thought in their head, is completely nauseating.

What is it with trying to sand off all the sharp edges that comes with debate? How desperate are people to keep their terrible opinions unfettered from confrontation? And why? Does thinking hurt? Again, I would hope not (hint: it doesn't)

And how does debate not respect what an individual chooses to watch? All it does is open forum to engage with what people have to say about what they do or don't like. It doesn't tell them to change their opinion. It doesn't tell them to watch anything than what they damn well please. It's simply the affirmation that we watched something, it made us feel, it made us think (I would hope)

And in these unfortunate cases where someone doesn't feel like they have anything particularly valuable to say, well,maybe actually engaging in conversation that isn't lazy and full of empty back patting might bring an end to their lack of ever having anything to contribute. Which isn't a negative. People having things to say benefits everybody, including those people.
Sorry, my name is not Corax.

Corax might be a toxic slag ****, but I'll at least always grant him that he understands the value of thinking and the actual exchanging of ideas.

Now I'm starting to remember why I felt forced to continue engaging with him well beyond it being of any worth at all.

*vomits into the pail conveniently set at my feet for such moments as this*

Trouble with a capital "T"
Corax might be a toxic slag ****, but I'll at least always grant him that he understands the value of thinking and the actual exchanging of ideas.

Now I'm starting to remember why I felt forced to continue engaging with him well beyond it being of any worth at all.

*vomits into the pail conveniently set at my feet for such moments as this*
I disagree with that bolded statement and it's uncalled for too. You should read the rules and guidelines for MoFo.

Idk, probably just do more of the same. Right now, I'm using curated lists which match my taste and attempting to watch every film listed on them. This is working out really well for me so far, so I'll probably just continue it. Here's what I'm currently working through:


Also, since I've watched several hundred short films over the past year and a half, I'm currently working on arranging them into a top 100 which I'll probably post here sometime in the next couple months.