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Resident Evil Village - 8/10
Such a cool dark fantasy, though it seems silly to try to shoehorn a narrative connection to previous Resident Evil games when they've veered this far off the beaten path.

I thought resident evil 7 was awesome but is way too short of a video game. It scared the **** out of me.

I thought resident evil 7 was awesome but is way too short of a video game. It scared the **** out of me.
did u use the VR cause its more scarier with the VR it scared me shxxxitless

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ok not sure if this explains the Elite DLC, especially given the weird mix of VR viewing formats it comes in, but I made a vid...

Apologies for the space playlist
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm liking the Elite DLC. You cannot stop me. I am liking it...

'Two Nights in the Universe' [gallery]

[Normal caveats: It's a really weird game. Performance at launch has been a bit poop.]

CringeFest's Avatar
Duplicate Account (locked)
did u use the VR cause its more scarier with the VR it scared me shxxxitless

No, I'm somehow not fond of buying more gaming equipment. Part of the reason I'm switching to linux only is that i have found that buying stuff in general is overall pretty disappointing.

Trying to stuff in linux that automatically works in windows is like a video game anyway

No, I'm somehow not fond of buying more gaming equipment. Part of the reason I'm switching to linux only is that i have found that buying stuff in general is overall pretty disappointing.

Trying to stuff in linux that automatically works in windows is like a video game anyway
i never heard of linux =/ but fair enough


Assassin Creed Valhalla

Both on PC

there's a frog in my snake oil
I am mainly corralling my sprawling ED thoughts in another dusty thread, to spare y'all

^^ You can see into the station hubs from outside while flying. Tis a cute touch ^^

But here are some negatives

And here are some positives

For anyone who wants em

PS - Standard advice at the moment: If it intrigues you, wait until they've finished the run of performance patches they're on. As it needs it

^^ Despite the 2014 bones being visible, the skies and hubs are kinda working at 'eye level' view ^^

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah, don't worry, most of the time I remember to check Epic and claim whatever's free that week, whether I expect to play it or not. Nabbed.

I expect immediate first of your list priority and commentary!!!

there's a frog in my snake oil
More on the VR end of things here, but hey, it's a '2D' game too

The GTAV modder has done RDR2. And he's worked miracles again. Damn thing works...

Tried out the RDR2 mod. The guy seems to have worked his magic again. The whole damn giant story world is there, functional, and pretty darn pretty with it too even on the 'Medium' preset he provides. (It crashed on 'High' preset, go guess that's where I'll stay )

The cut scenes are still a bit odd, but improved a lot on his initial GTA V attempts. The cuts between scenes are pretty sharp, which can be disorientating, but being able to look around each scene is pretty crazy in its own way (especially in the outdoor settings, with freezing brooks bubbling past and storm buffeted mountains behind you etc). Although I did notice a corpse breathing out steam, which I don't think was intended

There are various oddities in there, like when you're holding a lamp on horseback, it's basically attached to your view. Lamp face. And the golden snow flurries looked more like the overlay they are than 3D flurries.

But despite little understandable issues like that, it all works surprisingly well and robustly.

The headlook aiming is again a decent solution. (Although it may take me a while to be completely comfortable shooting things behind me on horseback )

Could totally see playing the whole game through, if it holds my interest.

Look ma, I can see my feet!