Fan-Based STAR TREK Series


This thread is dedicated to Star Trek films, shows, or web series created by fans (or anything similar).

Starting out with Star Trek Continues - one of the most authentic web series (as in: loyal to Gene Roddenberry's original TV show) which was released between 2013 - 2017.

For a list of all 11 episodes in order available on YouTube click here:

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've heard about a few fan-made Star Trek movies that are supposed to be pretty good, but for some reason, I've never gotten around to watching any of them. It's mostly a time issue for me, but I also sometimes have a hard time believing other actors in the roles of the main characters. I think I might be more inclined to try to make time to see the ones that are Star Trek based, but have unknown characters on other starships.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been watching Star Trek Continues every night. The writing keeps getting better. I just finished Embracing the Winds last night.

Kirk has to choose between Spock and a competing female officer for captaincy of another starship, but issues of competence in the role as well as gender issues cause difficulties.
What I liked about this episode is that it explained the back story to a long burning question from the original series: why weren't there women captains in Starfleet during the 23rd century? So the episode explores that and also covers a modern social issue: are women still being excluded from positions of power, or are they just not meeting the qualifications for the position they apply for. And...this is done while tying that story idea into the question of what happened to the USS Hood.

What I liked was the show took a gutsy position, while being balanced and true to the original content of Star Trek.

There's a 4 minute trailer on IMDB's Star Trek Continues page here:

Tonight I'd like to talk about Todd Haberkorn who plays Mr. Spock in Star Trek Continues (STC).

He's not Leonard Nimoy - he doesn't look like Nimoy nor sound anything like Nimoy (there was only one Leonard Nimoy).
So Haberkorn's Spock seems a bit different at first.

What strikes me is he actually comes off as more "alien" than the original Mr. Spock... which makes him believable as a non-human.

He plays not having emotions very well. He may not seem like the Spock we're used to (which could probably be said of all the young actors playing the parts established by more well known actors from the original TV show that this web series is based on), but he does make a very good Vulcan as he seems to have incorporated their known qualities into his acting for STC.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Todd Haberkorn makes a decent Vulcan. He's his own character type. Like you said, it's easy to believe he's an alien from his mannerisms. I didn't care for him during the first two episodes. But, that's because he had little air time and no real character development. He came into his own in the third episode Fairest of Them All The mirror universe episode and that's when I started liking his character.

Though my one complaint in the first episodes was the make up! I actually told my wife as we're watching STC that Spock needed some darker makeup as Leonard Nimoy had darker olive skin tones and he needed green eye shadow too, as Spock sported green eye shadow!

Then guess what? They did just as I had requested, gave him dark olive make up and the green eye shadow as well. Well maybe too much makeup as at times it's quit unnatural looking. I wish they would've had a make up artist who could matched the base skin tones to the lighting being used. But overall I was happy that they followed 'my suggestion'.

Actually my biggest complaint about the show was the make up and hair choices for most of the characters. Strange that they looked the best in the mirror episode.

There's been a lot of Star Trek actors playing various Vulcan characters and scant few have really stood out. I think that's because when an actor plays a sci-fi alien, especially a Vulcan they almost become robotic in their delivery of their lines. That was most prevalent with guest start on TNG.

Obviously Leonard Nimoy's Spock was one of the greats

I will agree that some of the wigs on STC were kind of laughable.
Like the counselor, who is a beautiful woman and still pulled it off, had very fake looking hair (although I understand they were trying to match the hairstyles on the show in the late 60's).
McCoy's hair looked ill fitting at times (the second, better McCoy), but it was kind of funny that they changed Chris Doohan's (Scotty) hair the same way his father's hair alternated on the show from parted on the side to combed straight back - at least in the sequel to Mirror Mirror STC episode - they had Scotty's hair parted and combed to the side.

Speaking of Scotty, I take it you've gotten to the episode where they refer to the Scotty & Uhura romance? This was an allusion to the relationship that I believe was only referred to in the poorly-received Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (but I don't think was ever even hinted at before or after).

It was these kinds of little references in STC (both to things that occurred on the TV series and in the original movie franchise) that made me a fan of the series.

Grant Imahara (1970-2020)

I didn't even know about this until we started talking about the series again, but sadly Grant Imahara (who played Sulu on STC) passed away this year from a brain aneurism.

Grant was formerly known as a regular on the TV series Mythbusters.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I take it you've gotten to the episode where they refer to the Scotty & Uhura romance? This was an allusion to the relationship that I believe was only referred to in the poorly-received Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (but I don't think was ever even hinted at before or after).

It was these kinds of little references in STC (both to things that occurred on the TV series and in the original movie franchise) that made me a fan of the series.
Yes, I did see that episode and I wondered if there was some kind of tie in as I didn't remember Scotty & Uhura ever being romantic. I guess I missed that in STV. Buy yeah that's the great thing about the show, they do all these tie-ins. Last night I watched What Ships Are For one of my favorite episodes btw, but what was cool is that they were talking to a Starfleet doctor and he mentioned nurse Chapel training to be a doctor. I didn't get the tie in at first but then my wife pointed out that Chapel was a doctor in the movies. So I thought that little tid bit was fun.

Yes, I did see that episode and I wondered if there was some kind of tie in as I didn't remember Scotty & Uhura ever being romantic. I guess I missed that in STV. Buy yeah that's the great thing about the show, they do all these tie-ins. Last night I watched What Ships Are For one of my favorite episodes btw, but what was cool is that they were talking to a Starfleet doctor and he mentioned nurse Chapel training to be a doctor. I didn't get the tie in at first but then my wife pointed out that Chapel was a doctor in the movies. So I thought that little tid bit was fun.

From ST-V - a hint that Scotty & Uhura may be more than just friends.
There might have been another hint at it in the same film after Scotty bumps his head and knocks himself out??? I think Uhura finds him coming to on the floor and they have another "tender moment." Not sure.

In the comments someone says Jimmy & Nichelle were good friends, but never wanted their characters to be more than that and did not want them to have a romance (don't know if their wishes made sure it wasn't mentioned in their last film together or in Scotty's appearance on TNG or not.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
From ST-V - a hint that Scotty & Uhura may be more than just friends.
There might have been another hint at it in the same film after Scotty bumps his head and knocks himself out??? I think Uhura finds him coming to on the floor and they have another "tender moment." Not sure.

In the comments someone says Jimmy & Nichelle were good friends, but never wanted their characters to be more than that and did not want them to have a romance (don't know if their wishes made sure it wasn't mentioned in their last film together or in Scotty's appearance on TNG or not.)
OK, now I remember that scene. I always took it to be a show of familiarity, nothing more. BTW I finished the last episode of ST Continues, that was a really good one!

OK, now I remember that scene. I always took it to be a show of familiarity, nothing more. BTW I finished the last episode of ST Continues, that was a really good one!
I could only find a snippet in a compilation video (that also had scenes from the Abrams' franchise! *gasp!*) of Uhura reviving Scotty after he hits his head in ST-V and it seemed to confirm that there was something going on between the two (after the earlier scene on the bridge)... but I can't find that particular scene in its entirety anywhere on YouTube to help recollect exactly what was said or done (I just know there was more face rubbing!)

Yes, I thought the last 2 episodes of STC (two-parter if I remember correct) were probably the best. I love how the last episode brought us up to the period just before TMP (especially with Kirk in his Admiral's uniform) and - I don't remember this specifically, but I do recall reading that the last episodes of STC explained (what some called plot holes in TMP) why there were no other starships anywhere in the whole fleet to intercept V-ger, except for the Enterprise (which was being refitted).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Grant Imahara (1970-2020)

I didn't even know about this until we started talking about the series again, but sadly Grant Imahara (who played Sulu on STC) passed away this year from a brain aneurism.

Grant was formerly known as a regular on the TV series Mythbusters.
I'd heard about Grant Imahara's passing right before I started watching Star Trek Continues, but I had no idea that he was on the show. I was familiar with him from Mythbusters, I show I loved and watched a lot. So I was very surprised to find he'd been cast as Sulu. I liked him in STC. At times he does Sulu's cadence well and was able to match George Takei's deep voice, especially in the 1st episode. Like most of the cast I liked his look best on the mirror universe episode. He had this quirky, excited way of doing his role that made Grant's Sulu fun!

I'd heard about Grant Imahara's passing right before I started watching Star Trek Continues, but I had no idea that he was on the show. I was familiar with him from Mythbusters, I show I loved and watched a lot. So I was very surprised to find he'd been cast as Sulu. I liked him in STC. At times he does Sulu's cadence well and was able to match George Takei's deep voice, especially in the 1st episode. Like most of the cast I liked his look best on the mirror universe episode. He had this quirky, excited way of doing his role that made Grant's Sulu fun!
Yes, I also noticed, although he didn't look much like George Takei, his voice as Sulu was very similar sounding.

Taken far too early. RIP Grant.

In the meantime - speaking of ST fan films - I just found this video where someone used "deepfake" technology to put the original actors in the Abrams' films - or, more accurately, utilizes them as flashbacks in ST-II The Wrath of Khan. (Yes, I know how we feel about the Abrams films, but this is a sight to see!)

I've been hesitating commenting on Vic Mignogna...

...because I want to say some things which cannot come off as any way but negative, but I don't want to disparage in any way the man who made STC happen on every level (producing, directing, writing, and starring).

First, I'll say Vic captured so many of William Shatner's mannerisms, body language and verbal inflections (even though his voice was very different - much higher pitched). Vic even has a similar body type as (a young) Shatner.

But I did notice (and let me know if anyone else concurs or if I'm off base) that sometimes (not all the time, but sometimes) there's something kind of effeminate in Vic's performance. Maybe effeminate is not even the right word... maybe effete?

I can't quite put my finger on it, but it was something that was never present in any Shatner / Kirk performance (except maybe the time when he got body switched with a female).

Now, if I can go way off base... Vic shares a lot of qualities with Shatner, yet, for some odd reason, he also reminds me a little of a young Jonathan Harris (Dr. Smith on Lost in Space) - not in any overt way, but subtly.

When watching Vic in STC, I couldn't help having amusing thoughts; like Captain Kirk was in another transporter accident where he got crossed with Dr. Smith and the result was 90% Kirk and 10% Dr. Smith (resulting in Vic's Captain Kirk of STC)!

All that ruminating aside, I think Vic did a fantastic job - his love for the original series is evident and he deserves a lot of appreciation for producing something so true and dedicated to the original.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Vic Mignona, I'm going to agree with just about everything you said there, though I never got a Dr Smith vibe from him. Dr Smith was persnickety, haughty, and self absorbed, but a great character!

Vic's Captain Kirk was much more deeply reflective, soulful and self aware than Shatner's Kirk. In someways I prefer Vic's performance. Several of the episodes had him deeply troubled by the burdens of command and the loss of life from his command decisions. Though I remember Captain Kirk also was quite troubled when someone died under his command, often blaming himself. I thought Vic did an amazing job at acting & writing & directing* & producing. He also has credits for some music arrangements on the sho. My one complaint was his voice was too high pitched, couldn't he lowered it a notch? The other is his thumbnails! Gross.

Vic Mignona, I'm going to agree with just about everything you said there, though I never got a Dr Smith vibe from him. Dr Smith was persnickety, haughty, and self absorbed, but a great character!

Vic's Captain Kirk was much more deeply reflective, soulful and self aware than Shatner's Kirk. In someways I prefer Vic's performance. Several of the episodes had him deeply troubled by the burdens of command and the loss of life from his command decisions. Though I remember Captain Kirk also was quite troubled when someone died under his command, often blaming himself. I thought Vic did an amazing job at acting & writing & directing* & producing. He also has credits for some music arrangements on the sho. My one complaint was his voice was too high pitched, couldn't he lowered it a notch? The other is his thumbnails! Gross.
LOL! Thumbnails!
I never noticed - I'll have to go check that out.

Trouble with a capital "T"
LOL! Thumbnails!
I never noticed - I'll have to go check that out.
Oh gawd! He must have been a chronic nail biter as the tips of his thumbs had grown up and around the end of his very short thumbnail. Making his hands look somewhat amphibian like!

Michele Specht as Counsellor McKennah

(Yeah, we can have 2 photos of her!!!)

I kind of fell in love with this character, not because of the obvious eye candy, but because she was a link between the series and TNG (...with the concept that starships on long-term missions would be assigned a psychological counsellor as part of a new Starfleet program that, as told in STC, began with the Enterprise's 5 year mission).

I was reticent to accepting new characters added to the main cast at first, but she became a welcome addition that brought a new psychological element to the paradigm of Kirk, Spock and McCoy.

P.S. Behind the scenes - Michele Specht was in a long-term relationship with STC series creator Vic Mignogna.