The Ups and Downs of Your Day Tab


Now With Moveable Parts
I haven't done these in awhile...
*Talking to Chris yesterday.
*Making sound clips about various site members.
*Acting like a child last night with some buddies at the river. I forgot how much fun a squirt gun could be.
*Asking questions. Chris turned me on the the art of asking questions and I've been using it heavily, ever since. Asking questions is my new hobby. I'm becoming quite good at it.

A better art form is answering questions with questions.
You should try that out. It's tougher.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Yikes! I haven't been here in several days, and I come back and everyone's become really vicious....(Slowly backs away.....)

Highlight: Royal Tennenbaums DVD. Found TWO other White Stripes CDs besides White Blood Cells. They actually put out three this year...

Lowlight: The rest of this day just about sucked, really.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Highlight Extravaganza:

The Tic Tac USA site!!
What an eye opener!! The weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life!!


crazed out movie freak
Highlight: Had the day off Yesterday and half a day today.

Lowlight: My paycheck will probably suck now.
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"

Now With Moveable Parts
Lengthy conversations with Chris, yesterday.

I'm starting my new job at the wine tasting room today. Nothing like an 11-5 job that pays well and all that's required of you, is pouring wine and looking good. Life is sweet. By the way, the new winery is called Iron Mountian. Mark my words, this wine is going to be big.

Lowlights have been dismissed.

Now With Moveable Parts
New Highlight: A PM I just read.
~I can't be on long.

The truly obvious nature of some people's highlights.
I was ranked the number one reviewer of novellas by the writers I reviewed at for the month of May. Next step, being ranked in the top three for an actual piece of work.

Going to a book shop and not being able to buy. You always walk in the browse and walk out spending more than you should have or without the books you wanted to leave with.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet

Going to a book shop and not being able to buy. You always walk in the browse and walk out spending more than you should have or without the books you wanted to leave with.
I know the feeling. My sister works for a big book store here...which means, employee discounts. It's a scary thing....
I think I walked out with eleven books on Monday.

Especially on books. I was discussing with my Mum yesterday about why it's not stupid to buy books as opposed to just borrowing them from the library. I said that ultimately there's a feeling of importance when you own a little library of shorts. I've made a point of owning all the books that I've ever really loved, in the hope that one day I'll be able to pass them on in the same manner I found out about them and stuff.

Even now it's hard to describe.

Yesterday, I paid $6 for a tiny little book (but filled with GREAT information - I'll tell ya about when I'm done in the reading tab thread) at Barnes & Nobles. $6 is too much for me on a little book. I should have gone to the used book store, but they may not have had it, and if they did, it would have been worn and torn, and that place has the most ridiculous prices in the world.

The other day, I got Clive Barker's newest novel, "Coldheart Canyon", in hardcover for $3. They had this really thin book about James Dean that was in hardcover, and it was made in 1994. I WANTED IT. They had it priced at $11. I knew that was unfair... but I had to have it. So, what I did was, and you can learn from me... I took off the sticker when nobody was around, went up to the front desk, told the man "This book doesn't have a price on it. How much is it?" He opened it up, looked at NOTHING, then gave it back and said "$2.50" I said, "Thank you". I thought he'd say "free" but $2 is better than $11. I GET WHAT I WANT.

"You're terrible Muriel."

$11 for a book? $2 dollars?! The former is ridiculously cheap as it is. Each of the books I wanted to buy yesterday were $19<.

Stupid America!

Don't feel too bad. I still have to pay full price for when I buy in a regular store. I paid $17 for a book I bought a few weeks ago, and it was paperback!

It was Dirty Pictures: Tom of Finland, Masculinity, and Homosexuality, since you asked. A very educational study of one of gay erotica's most famous artists.

He drew amazing homoerotic drawings for physique magazines and a lot of hardcore sex drawings depicting types of masculine men, all during the 1940s till the 1980s. He turned on many people and even himself as he worked. There's even a Tom of Finland clothing line out somewhere. He was very good.