The Batman


"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
The deal has not closed yet according to sources. Should the deal fall through, Reeves and Warner have plan B in the form of Nicholas Hoult. So it would be "Patman" or "Beast-Man"...oh wait...the latter is a He-Man villain LOL

I liked Pattinson in "Water for Elephants". I could see him as long as the Batsuit doesn't sparkle in the light. :P
It's All About the Movies

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The main piece of this that is genuine is Ben Affleck is composing, coordinating, and featuring as Batman and Joe Manganiello is affirmed to play Deathstroke.

"After two weeks of back and forth rumors, Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Planet of the Apes) has officially found his new caped crusader in Robert Pattinson (Twilight, Remember Me, High Life, The Lighthouse). Deadline confirms Pattinson will play Bruce Wayne in The Batman, which hits theaters June 25, 2021.

Pattinson has always been the top choice, while he was among actors on a short list that also included Nicholas Hoult (Warm Bodies)."

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Officially cast:
Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/The Batman
Zoe Kravitz as Selena Kyle/Catwoman
Paul Dano as Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner James Gordon

In Negotiations:
Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth

Matthew McConaughey as Harvey Dent/Two-Face

According to sources, the film is using Jeph Loeb's graphic novel "The Long Halloween" as the inspiration.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I was looking forward to this, especially since The Riddler and Catwoman are two of the best villains in my opinion, and we get them in the same movie! But then when I heard Pattinson was Batman, now I'm not so sure...

I was looking forward to this, especially since The Riddler and Catwoman are two of the best villains in my opinion, and we get them in the same movie! But then when I heard Pattinson was Batman, now I'm not so sure...
I think he's quite an interesting choice now, there are worse actors they could've given it to. I haven't seen much of his work post-twilight but I hear good things surprisingly

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
I think with the fact that we'll be dealing with a 20-something detective Batman (not the Caped Crusader and not the Dark Knight), I can see the world of "Pattman" coming. I've seen some of his post-Twilight movies and I think he can pull it off with the material he's given. He's even been training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to prepare for the role.

At this point, I am quite fatigued with all the reboots and remakes, not to mention superhero movies, we've been subjected to by those greedy Hollywood movie-producing bastards. With that said, I'm not so sure we need another Batman movie.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I'll give 'em this: if they're gonna do another Batman, at least they (seemingly) are going in another direction. Makes a lot more sense than rebooting it without doing much different, stylistically.

At this point, I am quite fatigued with all the reboots and remakes, not to mention superhero movies, we've been subjected to by those greedy Hollywood movie-producing bastards. With that said, I'm not so sure we need another Batman movie.
I think the role of Batman is similar to Bond, if the Batman films were the same thing over and over I might start feeling fatigue, but every incarnation has brought something different to the table and I expect Reeves and Pattinson to do the same. Will Pattinson be up there with Keaton and Bale? I'm not setting my expectations that high, just as long as there isn't a poll of "Clooney or Pattinson?" and it's a close decision for people

I just wish this movie recovers the style of gotham city that we saw in the joel shumacher films

I just wish this movie recovers the style of gotham city that we saw in the joel shumacher films
They should film in Chicago, letting the city stand in for Gotham... and incorporate a real "method acting" aspect... with the film crew and actors knowing they could all be killed by criminals or caught in gangland crossfire at any moment!

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I think he's quite an interesting choice now, there are worse actors they could've given it to. I haven't seen much of his work post-twilight but I hear good things surprisingly
Yeah I don't think he's as bad of an actor as a lot make him out to be and he seems to be doing really good acting in the trailer for The Lighthouse. I just don't see him as Bruce Wayne though.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
They should film in Chicago, letting the city stand in for Gotham...
Part of The Dark Knight was shot in Chicago. Had a friend who was an extra in a pivotal scene (the Joker party crashing scene)

From what I understand, it's not going to be another origin tale. I agree with @Yoda and @Doolallyfrank. I don't mind the characters constantly appearing as long as there's something different. I mean when we saw Batfleck, we saw him as a Bruce Wayne past his prime basically. Now, we go the opposite of the spectrum with Pattman being an early incarnation of the character, much like his original 1930's comic book taking, a budding detective type. I'm all for that.

If we see the Wayne's murder again, I think they should play the Cheers theme over it
The irony is Batman's origin was never shown in the 60's TV series - and, I don't know, but was it ever even mentioned?

I don't think Dick's trauma of watching his family die due to criminal sabotage was ever mentioned either (and it certainly was never shown) - don't know if there was ever any reference that Dick had been a circus acrobat - and thus his superior physical condition & ability to fight crime.

People who watched the TV series had no idea what Batman's motivation was, or that he was one of the darkest, most realistic, most psychologically interesting comic book characters due to the tragedy that shaped him.

If we see the Wayne's murder again, I think they should play the Cheers theme over it
The irony is Batman's origin was never shown in the 60's TV series - and, I don't know, but was it ever even mentioned?

I don't think Dick's trauma of watching his family die due to criminal sabotage was ever mentioned either (and it certainly was never shown) - don't know if there was ever any reference that Dick had been a circus acrobat - and thus his superior physical condition & ability to fight crime.

People who watched the TV series had no idea what Batman's motivation was, or that he was one of the darkest, most realistic, most psychologically interesting comic book characters due to the tragedy that shaped him.
Bit dark for kids, bright colours and corny jokes yayyyyyyy