Music in Film: Favorite scores, songs, soundtracks, and scenes


The Pixies, Where is my mind. During the final scene of fight club.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by
(Robert Frost)

I love what Kubrick has done in regard to musical score. I also love what David Lynch and Martin Scorsese does (with an emphasis on Goodfellas).

The best soundtrack ever Prince and Purple rain. This song is one of the my favorites. As for me the best movie music composer is Hans Zimmer. The Lion King, Gladiator, The Rock, Batman begins, Inception's theme are genius.

Citizen of Werewolfville
Some lesser known film music i like:

Main theme + ending song from 1973 Czech film Tři oříšky pro Popelku (AKA Three Wishes for Cinderella). Music by Karel Svoboda

Main theme from 1971 French comedy La folie de grandeurs (Delusions of Grandeur). Music by Michel Polnareff

Song "Deep Down" from 1968 Italian film Danger: Diabolik. Music by Ennio Morricone

Original Scores:
Synecdoche, New York (Jon Brion - actually anything by him is good...he does a lot of PT Anderson and some Kaufman films)
The Master (Johnny Greenwood)
Donnie Darko (Michael Andrews)
Amelie (Yann Tiersen)

Pop/rock soundtracks:
Harold and Maude (Cat Stevens)
Velvet Goldmine

This isn't a film score, but I love the Penguin Cafe Orchestra. They have very cinematic songs, many of which are used prominently in movies, including Napoleon Dynamite and Mary & Max.

but the wind was stronger
the tv series Miami Vice is a great exemple on how to use music to creat powerfull scenes.
just a few examples you can find on youtube:
Miami Vice long long way to go
Miami Vice picture book

This is an oldie but one of my favorites is Elmer Bernstein's Man With The Golden Arm. Also most anything by Henri Mancini.

For TV themes, Id have to say Richard Rodgers Victory At Sea soundtrack.

Just made a video toady. The list will probably change in the near future though as I will be watching lots more films/.

two of my favorite soundtrack and movie ever .
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk