🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Trouble with a capital "T"
My ST-TOS fan theory:
In an alternate universe (that we would come to call the Mirror Universe) after having traveled back in time via a time portal, Kirk or perhaps even McCoy saved Edith Keeler from being killed by a truck (in "City on the Edge of Forever").

We know from that episode that if Keeler did not die from the accident then, through a series of events, the Nazis would win WWII.

So in this alternate universe she was saved, the Nazis won, and their fascistic world government along with the Axis powers eventually led to the tyrannical & fascistic "Terran Empire" that we saw in the episode titled "Mirror Mirror" (and again on Enterprise in "A Mirror Darkly I & II").
That's creditable. I looked at the Mirror Universe entry on Memory Alpha and they have this screenshot from TOS Mirror Mirror

Those are WWII German solders in that image.

That's creditable. I looked at the Mirror Universe entry on Memory Alpha and they have this screenshot from TOS Mirror Mirror

Those are WWII German solders in that image.
Yes! Glad you caught that - it adds to my theory.

There were similar images that support the theory (that perhaps Axis powers won WWII) at the beginning of Enterprise's mirror episodes I also liked how those two episodes of Enterprise changed the theme song and opening images to (instead of showing a history of peaceful spaceflight) show a history of violent empirical conquest. Besides, it was nice to get a break from that soft-rock theme song which (while I don't hate it) gets quite annoying when watching the reruns.

I'm wondering... for anyone who's followed the Discovery series (I only saw the first season), since they made the Mirror Universe as integral a part of their stories as say TNG used Klingons... did they ever reference "Empress Sato" as part of their Mirror history?

Because at the conclusion of the Enterprise mirror episodes, Hoshi assassinates any competition and declares herself "Empress" (with a starship from the future of another reality and all it's advanced firepower at her disposal to back up her coup).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes! Glad you caught that - it adds to my theory.

There were similar images that support the theory (that perhaps Axis powers won WWII) at the beginning of Enterprise's mirror episodes I also liked how those two episodes of Enterprise changed the theme song and opening images to (instead of showing a history of peaceful spaceflight) show a history of violent empirical conquest. Besides, it was nice to get a break from that soft-rock theme song which (while I don't hate it) gets quite annoying when watching the reruns.
I love that alternative opening for Enterprise's mirror episode. I like how at first it nearly mirrors the original opening then diverges to something much more aggressive.

The original ST Enterprise opening title

and the mirror universe opening title

Not bad. I guess you can do cool stuff in Unreal Engine.

I know this is a TOS thread, but this is as good a place as any to post this leaked memo about casting suggestions for the main TNG cast:

Yaphet Kotto, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Wesley Snipes and Jenny Agutter are interesting choices. It's also interesting that Crosby was considered for Troi before being cast as Yar. Also, Hall (the Predator) as Data?!

Reggie Jackson? I can totally see Geordi being the straw that stirs the drink.

Yaphet Kotto as Picard would have been an amazing vibe.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I know this is a TOS thread, but this is as good a place as any to post this leaked memo about casting suggestions for the main TNG cast:

Yaphet Kotto, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Wesley Snipes and Jenny Agutter are interesting choices. It's also interesting that Crosby was considered for Troi before being cast as Yar. Also, Hall (the Predator) as Data?!

Thanks @Torgo for the peek into what might have been. It's strange to think of how different the show could have been with some of the other possible actors for those roles.

I didn't know that Gates McFadden's first name is Cheryl.

I also didn't know that Tim Russ, who went on to play Tuvok on "Star Trek: Voyager", was considered for a role on TNG first.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

This evening TCM aired a movie called Hell to Eternity (1960).

I'd never heard of it and wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but it looked really interesting: based on a true story about a Latino boy named Guy Gabaldon who is adopted by a Japanese-American family. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Guy joins the military as an interpreter (since he speaks Japanese fluently) while his adoptive family is placed in a Japanese-American internment camp.

Adult Guy is played by Jeffery Hunter (who is not Latino in real life) and his adoptive brother is played by George Takei (who is indeed Japanese in real life). This movie must have really hit home for George since it echoed his own life experience.

So, I realized I was seeing Captain Christopher Pike of the starship Enterprise together with Lt. Hikaru Sulu also of the starship Enterprise interacting together in a movie!

It made me wonder - if Pike had not been replaced by Kirk (and remained as Captain during the TV series), then would these two actors have been reunited on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise during Star Trek's TV run?

This evening TCM aired a movie called Hell to Eternity (1960).

I'd never heard of it and wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but it looked really interesting: based on a true story about a Latino boy named Guy Gabaldon who is adopted by a Japanese-American family. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Guy joins the military as an interpreter (since he speaks Japanese fluently) while his adoptive family is placed in a Japanese-American internment camp.

Adult Guy is played by Jeffery Hunter (who is not Latino in real life) and his adoptive brother is played by George Takei (who is indeed Japanese in real life). This movie must have really hit home for George since it echoed his own life experience.

So, I realized I was seeing Captain Christopher Pike of the starship Enterprise together with Lt. Hikaru Sulu also of the starship Enterprise interacting together in a movie!

It made me wonder - if Pike had not been replaced by Kirk (and remained as Captain during the TV series), then would these two actors have been reunited on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise during Star Trek's TV run?
I've seen part of that film but never the entirety. Must revisit.

Still amazed by the The Man From U.N.C.L.E. episode before Star Trek with Kirk, Spock and Colonel Klink!

Trouble with a capital "T"
This evening TCM aired a movie called Hell to Eternity (1960).

I'd never heard of it and wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but it looked really interesting: based on a true story about a Latino boy named Guy Gabaldon who is adopted by a Japanese-American family. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Guy joins the military as an interpreter (since he speaks Japanese fluently) while his adoptive family is placed in a Japanese-American internment camp.

Adult Guy is played by Jeffery Hunter (who is not Latino in real life) and his adoptive brother is played by George Takei (who is indeed Japanese in real life). This movie must have really hit home for George since it echoed his own life experience.

So, I realized I was seeing Captain Christopher Pike of the starship Enterprise together with Lt. Hikaru Sulu also of the starship Enterprise interacting together in a movie!

It made me wonder - if Pike had not been replaced by Kirk (and remained as Captain during the TV series), then would these two actors have been reunited on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise during Star Trek's TV run?
I've seen that movie and it's good, really well done. Jeffrey Hunter is excellent in it too. I don't remember George Takei's role but it's neat both were in the same movie...I'm sure you heard that Captain Pike is back in the Star Trek series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Yaphet Kotto as Captain of the Enterprise would have been based. I'd buy a ticket to see that elseworld.

If TNG got a redo, I'd keep Stewart and possible replace the rest. Burton, Spiner might also be keepers.

I've seen that movie and it's good, really well done. Jeffrey Hunter is excellent in it too. I don't remember George Takei's role but it's neat both were in the same movie...I'm sure you heard that Captain Pike is back in the Star Trek series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Is Strange New Worlds PART of Discovery? Like a continuation, spin-off or sequel?

I'm just asking because a lot of Trekkies still dismiss Discovery because it made so many changes to the franchise, that it doesn't even fit into continuity (as a bridge between Enterprise and TOS).

Yaphet Kotto as Captain of the Enterprise would have been based. I'd buy a ticket to see that elseworld.

If TNG got a redo, I'd keep Stewart and possible replace the rest. Burton, Spiner might also be keepers.
Maybe J.J. Abrams could make a TNG movie...

Geordi would be having an affair with Dr. Crusher. Wesley and Worf would get married. Q could be played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Data would contact his splinter-reality, alternate-timeline-dimensional, counter-concurrent, future self to seek advice on how the "other" Enterprise handled First Contact, and there'd be so much CGI that you wouldn't be able to tell what's going on!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is Strange New Worlds PART of Discovery? Like a continuation, spin-off or sequel?

I'm just asking because a lot of Trekkies still dismiss Discovery because it made so many changes to the franchise, that it doesn't even fit into continuity (as a bridge between Enterprise and TOS).
I don't know. I haven't seen it I have even really read much about it except to know it's about Captain Pike.

I don't know. I haven't seen it I have even really read much about it except to know it's about Captain Pike.
I know Pike was a character on Discovery, although I never saw any episodes beyond the first season.

I wonder how or if they ever reconciled the changes they (Discovery) made to the Klingons.

It makes me think back to Enterprise... I kept thinking the Vulcans seemed very different from Mr. Spock's people who were always presented as benevolent, incapable of deception & ethical. Many Vulcans on Enterprise seemed dishonest, spiteful, prejudiced, scheming, and downright emotional... little did I know (until season III) that the changes to the Vulcans were a long-running plot from the beginning of the series... and the Vulcans of Spock's time would be the result of a major schism in Vulcan philosophy (all helped along the way by Archer carrying the katra of Surak)!

Maybe J.J. Abrams could make a TNG movie...

Geordi would be having an affair with Dr. Crusher. Wesley and Worf would get married. Q could be played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Data would contact his splinter-reality, alternate-timeline-dimensional, counter-concurrent, future self to seek advice on how the "other" Enterprise handled First Contact, and there'd be so much CGI that you wouldn't be able to tell what's going on!

Don't forget the lens flare. Must have. Lens. Flare.

Don't forget the lens flare. Must have. Lens. Flare.
I despise... let me repeat DES-PISE all the bridge scenes in the Abrams' films.

When I saw the first one I was like WTF? (Is this a bridge or McCoy's surgical suite?)

I liked how one article described it as looking like an overblown Clinique counter in a mega mall (or some such).

I have trouble with simple, overhead fluorescent lights, so I don't know how anyone could function on a bridge where there are a thousand lens flares hitting you in the eyes at every angle!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know Pike was a character on Discovery, although I never saw any episodes beyond the first season.

I wonder how or if they ever reconciled the changes they (Discovery) made to the Klingons.
I dunno I haven't seen Discovery either.

It makes me think back to Enterprise... I kept thinking the Vulcans seemed very different from Mr. Spock's people who were always presented as benevolent, incapable of deception & ethical. Many Vulcans on Enterprise seemed dishonest, spiteful, prejudiced, scheming, and downright emotional... little did I know (until season III) that the changes to the Vulcans were a long-running plot from the beginning of the series... and the Vulcans of Spock's time would be the result of a major schism in Vulcan philosophy (all helped along the way by Archer carrying the katra of Surak)!
I loved the way they finally explained the more mean spirited Vulcans. This reminds me I will have to decide to rewatch all the pre Abrams ST series as soon as I'm done with Fantasy Island.

EDIT: added a y