The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Did you know that...
  • Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson were Shyamalan's first choices for their roles?
  • Jackson suggested the design and use of the glass cane for his character? He also suggested the use of purple for his character vs. David Dunn's green.
  • Julianne Moore was originally cast to play David's wife? She dropped out in favor of Hannibal.
  • this is Shyamalan's personal favorite from among his films?

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!


Spider-Man 2

Did you know that...
  • an earlier draft of the script featured a young Doc Ock that becomes infatuated with Mary Jane?
  • the story is influenced by Doc Ock's comic debut in 1963, the 1966 storyline "If This Be My Destiny", and the 1967 storyline "Spider-Man No More!"?
  • Ed Harris, Chris Cooper, Christopher Walken and Robert De Niro were all considered for the role of Doctor Octopus?
  • when a pre-existing back condition threatened Tobey Maguire's performance, Jake Gyllenhaal was considered to replace him? (tweenieees!!)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I hope X-Men 2 makes it! Slightly better than Spiderman 2, Watchmen and Iron Man imo but they're all good and deserving of a place.

64. Paprika - not seen it
63. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - not seen it
62. Unbreakable - have seen it but didn't like it at all.
61. Spider-Man 2 - really didn't like it at all.

There's a good probability that I'm gonna be enslaved by Legos or some other child contraption for the rest of the day, so reveals might come a bit earlier today. Maybe in the next few minutes.

100 points, 8 lists
Batman Begins

Christopher Nolan, 2005


Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes


102 points, 6 lists
The Secret in Their Eyes

Juan José Campanella, 2009


Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Javier Godino


Hint breakdown...

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

So this is how it begins ("Begins", get it? but also both stories begin or resort to flashbacks)
Murder and rape (murder of Bruce's fathers, and the murder/rape from TSITE)
You and me looking at each other (vague reference to the leads looking at each other in TSITE)
To this fate there's no escape (...and how there's no escape from the fate of love, justice, being a superhero, etc.)

From Bhutan to South America (Bhutan is where Bruce trains, South America/Argentina where TSITE is set)
There's something that pulls me back (both lead characters return to their home cities...)
The need for justice (...for justice, obvious)
Kapow! Bong! Thwaackk! (jokey reference to the classic Batman sounds from the 60s)

You're not who you say you are (both films have duplicitous characters)
You have motives in the dark (obvious)
But you let me run blind and free (characters are left blind, and running)
From the country to the park (vague reference to TSITE characters in the country and the park/stadium long tracking shot)
There you go!

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. Batman Begins is a functional enough exercise in rebooting the character for the 21st century, though I'm not overly convinced that this is enough to make it a genuinely great film in its own right. The Secret in their Eyes is good, but I've only watched it once and I've never felt much inclination to revisit it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Rewatched Batman Begins as prep for this but whilst it's a decent enough watch it'll never really be a favourite for me. Never seen The Secret In Their Eyes, will hopefully get around to it one day though.

Seen: 25/42 (Own: 19/42)
My ballot:  

Faildictions (millennial edition v1.01):
58. The Hangover (2009)
57. Minority Report (2002)

I knew Secret in Their Eyes right away from the hint but wasn't going to say anything because I don't think it was expected to show. At least I wasn't expecting it.

I thought Batman Begins was the best of the trilogy.

1. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) (#59)
6. The Devil's Rejects (2005) (#94)
11. Mystic River (2003) (#65)
15. Amores Perros (2000) (#81)
17. Y tu mamá también (2001) (#95)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Never got into the Batman movies or superhero stuff, so never seen it.

I did see The Secret in their Eyes and didn't care for it. I suppose I could quote my review of it from the 24th HoF where it was one of the nominations.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The comic crowd has arrived at mofo, and I’m down with that. Makes me feel refined. Very much kidding, I love Nolan’s Batman. I didn’t vote for them though. Certainly worthy of a list of 100 in my book.

I thought the Secret In Their Eyes was decent. Every American knows it needed more Julia Roberts though. No vote from me.

Seen both. Voted for none.

Batman Begins may very well be my favorite of the trilogy. Even if I'm not that crazy about it, it is well executed and well acted.

Saw The Secret in Their Eyes for a HOF earlier this year (was it this year?) and really liked it. Well done thriller with a lot of great craft. The long tracking shot really blew my mind.

This is how it is, so far...

Seen: 29/42

My ballot:  

I really like Nolan’s take on Batman and Begins is quite underrated. With my last revisit I really enjoyed it and out of his three films it’s the most “comic booky”. And that’s a plus in my book, even though I love the grittiness of his take as well and how Dark Knight went all the way with it.

I’ve seen Secret in Their Eyes once and I liked it but haven’t really felt the need or want to revisit it. Well done film though.

The trick is not minding
Batman Begins is my #17. A deep dive into the Psyche of the man behind the cowl. It sets up for the sequel which I will get into once it shows up as well.

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