Movies you couldn't even finish.


Trouble with a capital "T"
Actually, I am quite the fan. But his rôle didn’t suit him & they had him wearing an odd hairpiece & his skin looked sort of orange. Everything in the movie,despite good reviews, seemed off to me.
Sounds like he was portraying Donald Trump

Oh I lied! I just looked up Mark Wahlberg and he was in a film I really liked, The Perfect Storm.

Oh I lied! I just looked up Mark Wahlberg and he was in a film I really liked, The Perfect Storm.
Can’t remember why, but I didn’t like this movie at all.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Anything with Mark Walberg is questionable.
Invincible (mentioned earlier) was about the only Mark Wahlberg movie I was able to tolerate.
A very typical sports bio-pic. The interesting aspect was that it was a true story about a real guy who was over the average starting age of pro athletes (but still liked to play football on the weekends) and yet rose to become a professional football player. A rags to riches story in the tradition of Rocky. Nothing notable about Wahlberg's performance though (and of course, the movie is nowhere near as good as Rocky!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Invincible (mentioned earlier) was about the only Mark Wahlberg movie I was able to tolerate.
A very typical sports bio-pic. The interesting aspect was that it was a true story about a real guy who was over the average starting age of pro athletes (but still liked to play football on the weekends) and yet rose to become a professional football player. A rags to riches story in the tradition of Rocky. Nothing notable about Wahlberg's performance though (and of course, the movie is nowhere near as good as Rocky!)
I've not seen that one, but usually sports bio pics are a fav of mine, though I don't like to watch sports. Weird I know!

I've not seen that one, but usually sports bio pics are a fav of mine, though I don't like to watch sports. Weird I know!
I'm the same way - LOVE sports movies - but don't watch sports.
(I watch the Olympics when they're on, when I can find a sport I like - I found Curling pretty weird and interesting).

Invincible was okay - nothing to write home about. The interesting fact was that it was true and pretty amazing that a high-school teacher & football coach started to play pro-ball at age 30. He holds the record as the oldest rookie in the NFL.

Interstellar is the movie that I always wanted to watch but could not complete the whole movie. I have decided to watch this movie coming weekend come what may.

Bohemian Rhapsody: I was watching it on a plane to Ho Chi Minh City, and became so bored I switched it off.

There’s been a few, no matter how bad I try to watch the whole thing these days.

Halloween 3 - when you expect to see Mike Myers but instead some old chap in a factory making Halloween masks it hurts. As soon as I realised Mike wasn’t coming I switched off. I have seen it since it’s not actually that bad, should not be part of the Halloween franchise though neither should that rubbish with Busta Rhymes in.

Inland empire - Was far too young when I first watched this or try watching this I should say. Difficult to asses Lynch’s movies, good, bad, terrible, great it’s just David Lynch I again have watched it in full sense. Speaking of Lynch I don need to watch Lost highway , never got round to it.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

Do not understand the hype. Very boring.

Love Ryan Gosling, but a very flat dull movie.

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
Anything with Mark Walberg is questionable.
Don't most film fans love Boogie Nights?
Happiness is having your own library card.

Don't most film fans love Boogie Nights?
Not me.
It had some good parts (like with Alfred Molina).
But then it had some "parts" I didn't want to see... if you know what I mean?

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
Not me.
It had some good parts (like with Alfred Molina).
But then it had some "parts" I didn't want to see... if you know what I mean?
Yeah, never understood the praise for it, but my only problem with The Departed was I didn't believe Leonardo DiCaprio or Matt Damon could play cops, I did like Martin Sheen, Mark Wahlberg, Jack Nicholson, and Anthony Anderson in the film though.

Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel

The first movie just about passed but I couldn't remember a whole lot about any specific characters, I hope this might have been stand alone movie but it immediately jump on the back of the first movie and like so many found footage movies there never seems to be likable characters just people trying too hard to appear natural, add this with the rip off name of the movie which I didn't like the first time round and then just adding more **** on to the end of it, ten minutes in I had enough
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.