🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Has anyone seen this Star Trek spoof film: Unbelievable!!!!! (2020)
If you like Airplane or the Naked Gun you should love this. It's chalked full of ST stars from all the various ST shows and that's Linda Park from Star Trek: Enterprise with Kirk who's a pompous self centered puppet Some of this pretty funny in a cheesy way and of course like a zillion ST actors to boot.

I heard about this movie, but I haven't seen it yet. Hopefully I'll find the DVD at a garage sale or flea market, (if they ever start up again).
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I heard about this movie, but I haven't seen it yet. Hopefully I'll find the DVD at a garage sale or flea market, (if they ever start up again).
It's pretty silly and not that great, but fun enough for Star Trek fans. I liked spotting the stars and some of them were real hard to spot.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It's pretty silly and not that great, but fun enough for Star Trek fans. I liked spotting the stars and some of them were real hard to spot.

Sometimes it's fun to just sit back and relax with a silly movie.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I'm sorry I didn't reply to this. I haven't logged in for a few days because Hubby got injured at work a few days ago. He's okay, but the doctor visits messed up our schedules, so we're playing catch-up on everything we couldn't do.
Sorry to hear. I hope he gets better soon.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm sorry I didn't reply to this. I haven't logged in for a few days because Hubby got injured at work a few days ago. He's okay, but the doctor visits messed up our schedules, so we're playing catch-up on everything we couldn't do.
I didn't see this post last night...Sorry to hear that GBG, but I'm glad Hubby is doing OK.

I'm sorry I didn't reply to this. I haven't logged in for a few days because Hubby got injured at work a few days ago. He's okay, but the doctor visits messed up our schedules, so we're playing catch-up on everything we couldn't do.
Best wishes, Gbg. I hope Hubby gets well soon.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm sorry I didn't reply to this. I haven't logged in for a few days because Hubby got injured at work a few days ago. He's okay, but the doctor visits messed up our schedules, so we're playing catch-up on everything we couldn't do.
Sorry to hear. I hope he gets better soon.
I didn't see this post last night...Sorry to hear that GBG, but I'm glad Hubby is doing OK.
Best wishes, Gbg. I hope Hubby gets well soon.

Thanks everyone. Hubby's back at work, but he has to be careful. He's got a deep cut on his arm, so he has to be careful not to reopen it. (We thought he was going to get stitches, but apparently they use some type of glue to close this type of injury now instead.) He still has to take medication every day, (and pain pills if he needs them). Plus, his arm is wrapped, and it has to be cleaned, and the bandage has to be changed every night.

But at least he got a few days off from work. That was nice, but I would have preferred if he just chose to play hooky if he wanted to skip work for a few days.

A day worth remembering. I'll celebrate by sharing my favorite Spock quote, which is from Amok Time:
"Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."

A day worth remembering. I'll celebrate by sharing my favorite Spock quote, which is from Amok Time:
"Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
You may not believe this, Torgo, but I was trying to remember how this exact line was spoken - I planned to look it up next time I went on line - then I saw your post!


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I like the lines that came latter in that episode:

MCCOY: There's just one thing, Mister Spock. You can't tell me that when you first saw Jim alive that you weren't on the verge of giving us an emotional scene that would have brought the house down. .
SPOCK: Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a highly proficient captain.
KIRK: Yes, Mister Spock. I understand.
SPOCK: Thank you, Captain.
MCCOY: Of course, Mister Spock, your reaction was quite logical.
SPOCK: Thank you, Doctor.
MCCOY: In a pig's eye!
KIRK: Come on, Spock. Let's go mind the store.

I looked these up.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A day worth remembering. I'll celebrate by sharing my favorite Spock quote, which is from Amok Time:
"Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
That's always been my favorite and it's a quote that I have as my personal credo.

That's always been my favorite and it's a quote that I have as my personal credo.
Indeed. It's true.

It kind of explains why I'd almost never watch movies after I owned them on tape or disc - after I'd spent years wishing to add them to my personal collection so I could watch them again any time I wanted to.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Indeed. It's true.

It kind of explains why I'd almost never watch movies after I owned them on tape or disc - after I'd spent years wishing to add them to my personal collection so I could watch them again any time I wanted to.
Same here. When I first got into old movies I bought several box sets of Humphrey Bogart films, but only watched a few of them. Hence I don't buy DVDs anymore. Actually I don't like to buy anything and I hate to replace things that I have and like. I still have the same wallet that I bought way back in 1984. Now that's an old wallet!

Same here. When I first got into old movies I bought several box sets of Humphrey Bogart films, but only watched a few of them. Hence I don't buy DVDs anymore. Actually I don't like to buy anything and I hate to replace things that I have and like. I still have the same wallet that I bought way back in 1984. Now that's an old wallet!
LOL - We are the same. Today I actually "trimmed" my wallet - the binding at the edges of the leather is so frayed I took a scissors to it to make it look less raggedy!

I actually have a couple, never-used, back-up wallets (one was given to me & one I bought), but neither are like the one I've been using and which I still don't want to part with - and I was only able to find that model at the "Route 18 Flea Market" (a little shop inside that sold leather goods) which closed decades ago! In the flea market's place is now a Wal-Mart!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just heard the one thing that would get me to watch season 2 of Picard. And that is John De Lancie is going to appear as Q. Still season 1 sucked.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just heard the one thing that would get me to watch season 2 of Picard. And that is John De Lancie is going to appear as Q. Still season 1 sucked.
I haven't seen enough of the first season of "Picard" yet, but I had high hopes for it, so it's a shame to hear that it's bad. But if John De Lancie is back as Q in Season 2, that's a good enough reason for me to watch it. He's one of my favorite Star Trek characters.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't seen enough of the first season of "Picard" yet, but I had high hopes for it, so it's a shame to hear that it's bad. But if John De Lancie is back as Q in Season 2, that's a good enough reason for me to watch it. He's one of my favorite Star Trek characters.
The 1st season is bad if one likes Star Trek for it's moral compass. But if one likes plenty of violent revenge killings as entertainment, then it's good. To me it didn't feel like Star Trek though it was kinda fun to see some old familiar faces.