Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


How Batman defeats Superman revealed. Don't read unless you don't wanna know.

WARNING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" spoilers below
Batman has Kryptonite in his outfit

Ultron has altered how much Hype-Aid I will drink in the future....well, maybe not Guardians.

That said, I'm not going to get my hopes up for BvS. I will be satisfied with seeing Batman punch Supes in the face.

I'm not going to get my hopes up for BvS. I will be satisfied with seeing Batman punch Supes in the face.
With kryptonite supposedly part of the Bat suit, Batman won't have a problem knocking the crap out of him.

The Armored Batman suit looks badass!

Moderator Aisha Tyler steps out on stage. Warner Bros starts unveiling their massive wrap around screen showing clips from past and future movies. Waiting for Henry Cavil and Ben Affleck.

New trailer just shown. Here's a few spoilers before it hits online later today and it is friggin epic!!!

WARNING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" spoilers below
  • Plot points confirmed: Luthor recovers Zod's body, creates Kryptonite. Wayne was present during MOS battle.
  • Also seen and confirmed: Robin suit hanging in Batcave with the words “Joke’s on you, Batman” We are in a world where a Robin is dead.
  • The Man of Steel destruction fight scene is part of a Bruce Wayne scene where you see a Wayne logo next to him embracing a young girl.
  • Gotham City and Metropolis are sister cities separated by a bay, like Oakland and San Francisco.
  • Jason Todd's Robin costume in the Batcave covered in "JOKER WAS HERE" graffiti
  • The new trailer was very Batman centric. Shows Bruce in Metropolis during Zod & Superman battle from Man of Steel.
  • There's a scene of the Bat suit with the words scrawled "You Let Your Family Die"
  • Superman rips the roof off the Batmobile!