What Is The Last DVD You WATCHED?


Black comedy/drama/musical, soundtrack by Ulver (one of my favorite bands), beautiful shots, why the hell didn't they release this outside region 2?


This was alright. Nothing special unless you are hardcore fo Sam Raimi, but still quite entertaining in many places. Never been too big. It wasn't as scary as I had been left to believe, but the concept is pretty creepy and the final scene is very elaborate and exciting. Didn't like what happen
Christine at the end, but I guess if you think about it from a morality standpoint, it sort of makes sense. I did feel sorry for her and didn't think she deserved to go to hell as she showed remorse for her actions. I really think they should have made Christine a little bit less likeable and sympathetic than they did if they were going to do that. But perhaps, maybe that's the effect they wanted. Still, I give this

It may sound offensive, and it is, but "Crippled Masters" is also a showcase of just how much ass can be kicked by a man with no arms and another with no legs. It would be a lie to say this film isn't exploitative but it's also empowering. The real-life disabled duo displays some genuinely impressive martial arts talent here and the awful American voice dubbing makes this film a guilty Kung-Fu treat.